Franz Liszt
in D Minor, S . 138

ID: 739
Franz Liszt

S . 138

Key: D Minor
Year: 1840
Level: 8+
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:

Of Mazeppa's 5 versions, which is your favorite? by liszt-and-the-galops
Which is your favorite version of...

Liszt Mazeppa by rachmanny
hello, i started working on liszt´s mazeppa 2 days ago and realized this will be a monumental challenge to overcome. Looking at the introduction of the piece i was wondering whether or not i needed to use...

Fingering for Liszt's Mazeppa by russda_man
I've just started learning Mazeppa. My question is this. In the Henle edition, on the 2nd page (where the main theme begins), it indicates to play the first two (double) semiquavers with the second and...

Liszt Mazeppa by ahkow
Anyone knows how to play the double third semiquavers in the middle stave, where Liszt gave the notorious fingering of 4-2? My teacher asks me to do 4-2 3-1 (For each set). Much as I agree that it's faster...

Mazeppa by lau
I started learning this song 2 days ago. Any helpful hints? Anything would be great.

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