Edvard Grieg
Piano Concerto
in A Minor, Op. 16
The brilliance and virtuosity of this Concerto can seem far removed from Grieg's more subtle, lyrical creations for solo piano; but there is common ground, such as the distinct elements of Norwegian folk music.
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Grieg's Iconic Concerto
Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A-Minor is one of the most recognizable concertos in the entire repertoire. Its enduring and endearing popularity are a testament to its charming quality. The descending gestures of the introductory piano solo are angular and dramatic after the opening timpani roll. The brilliance and virtuosity on display in the Concerto can seem far removed from Grieg's more subtle, lyrical creations for solo piano; but there is common ground, such as the distinct elements of Norwegian folk music. The first notes from the piano were inspired by Schumann’s piano concerto from a decade earlier. Indeed, the two works share much in common: key, length, stylistic choices, and overall mood.Background
It is interesting to note that, despite the fact that the work was an instant megahit, Grieg himself was curiously unsatisfied with the work. He tinkered with it constantly from 1868 until his death in 1907. In all, he made more than 300 changes to the score after the premiere. Grieg was in his 20s when he composed it, and it became his only concerto. He had also not yet composed an orchestral work up until that time, and the concerto is a sterling effort for a “first try.”Forum posts about this piece:
Etudes for Grieg concerto by skudelmudel
I’d like to start learning the Grieg concerto in a few months though I think I’m not quite on that level yet, technially. I‘m currently working on Brahms‘ 51 exercises and I was wondering if any of you...
Piano concertos that are not so hard for the orchestra? by manuelc23
Hi, I want to play a piano concerto with a local orchestra next year, they have some pros but also a lot of people that didn't actually study music and may have some trouble with difficult parts. For...
Grieg piano concerto, op. 16 by rocketman_
Hello, I'm a student currently working on the Grieg piano concerto and I recently stumbled across orcestral accompaniment recordings on youtube. I'm wondering if anyone has a complete recording...
Grieg piano concerto, op. 16 by rocketman_
Hello, I'm a student currently working on the Grieg piano concerto and I recently stumbled across orcestral accompaniment recordings on youtube. I'm wondering if anyone has a complete recording...
Concerto competition? by douhua
Hi all, I plan on learning a concerto for a concerto competition in the fall of 2023. I've been learning the Grieg concerto for the past few days but after scrolling a bit on the boards here...
New journey, first time..;) by nfp001
Hello my fellow musicians, So here it comes, at 26 It’s the time to learn my first concerto and I chose the one from Grieg (well of course ;D) Now, considering all of the ensemble works...
What new concerto should I play? by chopinawesome
My teacher wants me to learn a new concerto to play. I just finished Mozart's 27th piano concerto in b flat k.595(all 3 mvts). I have listened to a lot of concerti, and here are my options:
Grieg Concerto Cadenza- Help in fingering by jsen
Hello! Can someone help me to chose the fingers and hands in the descending alternation of notes passage, right after the descending octaves and the chord in fff? I would be...
Arrangements of Grieg Concerto Op. 16? by pianoisthebest23
Hello everyone! I am currently a senior in high school and am giving a senior recital in my school's auditorium sometime in late May. Right now I'm working on getting a bunch of students...
How many grades above from Chopin etudes is Beethoven 5th concerto? by rovis77
I can play these Chopin etudes: op 10 1, op 25 1, op 25 2, op 10 12 and op 25 12. How many grades above from Chopin etudes is Beethoven 5th concerto or the Grieg Concerto in A minor?. Can I attempt to learn...
Cziffra's Legendary September 20, 1962 Concert [download] by everran
This performance given by Georges Cziffra took place September 20, 1962 in Montreux, France, under conductor Roberto Benzi with the Orch. National de la RTF. The live recording was never commercially released...
Childish question about Grieg a minor concerto by reelypiano
Hi! I've been playing piano for around 2 1/2-3 years now. Just wondering if you could tell me what you think: Do you THINK I'd be able to play the Grieg a minor concerto? Or the Ravel G...
Grieg's piano concerto in A minor by bananabean
I am no musician but I am hoping one kind musician will help me here. I want to know the notes that make up the three movements of Grieg's piano concerto in A minor. The first...
Grieg Concerto 5 Against 3? by pianist7
Any advice on how to play a 5-against-3 rhythm accurately? It's for the Grieg Concerto, 1st Mvmt. I do know how to play this piece, though....
Grieg concerto in A minor. by zheer
I've recently been learning this concerto, I tried playing it years ago but I couldn't but some-how I've managed to learn all three MVT of this piece. Anyone else learning this piece, if...
Favourite Grieg's PC recording? by chong777
It is not easy to play this popular PC well. I like Leif Oves Andnes's rendition. Michaelangeli's recording rocks too. Which is your favourite recording of Grieg's...
Grieg Concerto & Chopin Etudes by pianobabe56
Okay. I've got a couple of questions for you fine people: 1) Did Rubinstein or Ashkenazy make a single recording of the complete Chopin Etudes? I can find a complete recording on one disc made...
difficulty of Grieg's Concerto in A Minor compared to Moonlight Sonata. by Kilini
I plan to do the Concerto after Moonlight (all 3). How much of a jump would it be? If Moonlight is ABRSM 8, how much would Grieg's be?...
Difficulty of concertos? by Beet9
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being least difficult, 10 being most) how difficult do you think these concertos are? (technically and musically) Brahms concerto no.2 Beethoven concerto no. 1 Beethoven...
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Edvard Grieg, one of the prominent composers active in the Early Romantic era, has written this piece titled Piano Concerto Op. 16 in A Minor . The composition is categorized as "Concerto" in Piano Street's sheet music library and the level of difficulty is 8+.