Frédéric Chopin
Scherzo 3
in C-sharp Minor, Op. 39

ID: 1509
Frédéric Chopin - Scherzi:

Scherzo 3
Op. 39

Key: C-sharp Minor
Year: 1839
Level: 8+
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:

TIPS FOR PRACTICING Chopin's Scherzo no. 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by samuel.saarikivi
Hi! I've been playing this c sharp minor Scherzo for a while, took a break and now need every single ways you can imagine practising those fast passages/runs in the chorale section!!! For coda...

Recital Program by _eroico
Hey Guys and Girls, Sooo i would love to give my first Recital next year, and still try to create an exciting program. I would love to hear some opinions on the ideas i already had and also maybe some...

Chopin Repertoire by berman
Hey folks, I have a question here, I want a rather big Chopin repertoire (maybe 1 hour or so) and this is what i already have: Scherzo no. 3 op. 39 Polonaise op. 44 Etude op. 10 no. 5

Scherzo 3 - Chopin by musicalita_23
Okay so I just started working this piece (which I'm in love with by the way ;)) The first big chord after the octave quadruplets, my hand is slightly too small to get the top notes in the L-H with...

chopin scherzo number 3 by lohshuhan
i noticed that, just like his 3rd sonata in question, there are many discrepancies between the various editions.  for example, bar 31 of henle shows crotchet octave, quaver rest, quaver octave,...

Chopin's Scherzo no. 3 by nocturnelover
Hello! I was wondering what rating people would give this piece in terms of how difficult it is, I saw a video on youtube with Martha Argerich playing this piece

A couple questions on Chopin's Scherzo no. 3 by lagin
I have a couple questions for those of you who have played this.  In the first theme where it is just straight octaves, only one of them, near the end is marked staccato.  Does this mean that the...

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Piano sheet music and recordings. This piece is from Scherzi by Frédéric Chopin: Scherzo 3 Op. 39 in C-sharp Minor . Level 8+, Period: Early Romantic
Scherzo 3 Op. 39 in C-sharp Minor, by the early romantic composer Frédéric Chopin. It was written during the Early Romantic period and is included in Scherzi by Chopin.

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