Frédéric Chopin
Scherzo 1
in B Minor, Op. 20

ID: 1506
Frédéric Chopin - Scherzi:

Scherzo 1
Op. 20

Key: B Minor
Year: 1833
Level: 8+
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:

Which Chopin piece to learn for a competition by virtuoso_pianist
Hello there! I have a piano competition in August and I have to learn a Chopin major work for one of the sections I am competing in. I was thinking of learning maybe the F-sharp minor polonaise or the Scherzo...

Which Chopin piano piece to learn for competitions by virtuoso_pianist
Hello there! I have a piano competition in August and I have to learn a Chopin major work for one of the sections I am competing in. I was thinking of learning maybe the F-sharp minor polonaise or the Scherzo...

Polonaise-Fantaisie Op. 61 difficulties by paxxx17
Hey everyone, I was lurking these forums for quite a while I'm now studying chemistry at university (piano only as a hobby since musical high school). I'm bored, so I want to start a discussion...

Planning to audition for music college; need help!!! by freehaydn
Hey guys like my title said I'm planning to audition for a (undergrad) music college/conservatory/something of that sort but im not sure about my choices Bach prelude and fugue WTC1 no 21...

Chopin Scherzo No. 1, Op. 20 - the Polish Christmas Carol by bach_ko
Recently I have decided to make a better recording of my old repertoire for future use. I am learning back Chopin Scherzo no.1 that I played in 2007. I noticed that there are some strange dynamic markings...

Which pieces should I choose?Liszt, Rach, Chopin or Debusyy? by keyb0ardfweak
Hi! It's my first year in the conservatory and I wanted to ask all of you what you would recommend me to do. Btw, I am in the 7th year of 10 I ask opinions here. The only...

What is harder chopin revolutiary étude or scherzo 1? by max747
I just finished the scherzo b minor by Chopin but I want to know if starting on the rev étude would be a step back. Some say it is one of the easier etudes but I don't know.I just started sightreading it...

Ok let me try this again by tyler_johnson
I apologize if there was some confusion about my last post regarding the Chopin Scherzo.  I've re-created the audio file to better illustrate my point.  There are no notes that have been changed...

Question regarding Chopin Scherzo No. 1 by tyler_johnson
I just started learning this piece and I don't have a piano teacher to answer me these questions so I was hoping you guys could help me out.  I have 2 questions about this Scherzo, one is this:

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