Frédéric Chopin
Nocturne 15
in F Minor, Op. 55 No. 1

The simple themes of this Nocturne hide a world of deep sadness.

ID: 1024
Frédéric Chopin - Nocturnes:

Nocturne 15
Op. 55 No. 1

Key: F Minor
Year: 1844
Level: 7
Period: Early Romantic
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Gentle melancholy

The Nocturne in f minor Op. 55 no. 1 hides a world of deep sadness, gently introduced by the opening section’s simple themes and lingering melancholia. The sudden explosion of the Piú mosso, with its rumbling bass passages and plaintively responding chords, raises the emotional temperature, and a new theme of tormented despair builds to a great climax. As the music dies down, the opening theme returns and is soon woven into accelerating triplets, bringing the listener towards a final, wistful melodic sigh in the left hand, underlining arpeggios caressing up and down the piano. After a scintillating, accelerating figuration ascends to the highest registers, a final sequence of chords ends the piece on the Picardy third, perhaps reminiscing of a far-gone, happier time.


The Nocturnes Op. 55 were composed between 1842 and 1844 and published in 1844. They were dedicated to Chopin's Scottish pupil and friend Jane Stirling, who took him on a tour of England and Scotland in 1848.

Forum posts about this piece:

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DOWNLOAD: Frédéric Chopin - Nocturne Op. 55 No. 1 in F Minor ( from Nocturnes by Chopin). Piano sheet music to print immediately or to view in mobile devices.
Frédéric Chopin, who was one of the prominent composers active in the Early Romantic era, wrote this piece titled "Nocturne"Op. 55 No. 1 in F Minor from Nocturnes. The composition is categorized as "Piece" in the sheet music library and the level of difficulty in the piano music database is 7.
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