Claude Debussy
Arabesque 1
The first Arabesque, with its flowing, decorative lines, fuses salon music with the Baroque, which according to Debussy mirrored the movements and patterns of nature itself, following the “laws of beauty”.

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Timeless Waves
In Muslim architecture, arabesques are decorative carvings that have intertwined features. The rising and falling triplet lines in Debussy's first Arabesque emulate the curves and twirls of intricate carving. We enter the world of the arabesque midstream and toddle off the same way. But while the notes pass by quickly, the harmonic movement is more back and forth, sometimes alternating between only two chords for long stretches. This gives the piece a magical, timeless air, almost reminiscent of ocean waves on the shore.Background
The Two Arabesques were probably composed shortly before their publication in 1891. Their popularity grew with the fame of their composer and the first Arabesque especially now has a firm place in the repertoire of both amateur and professional pianists. There are also numerous transcriptions for other instruments.Forum posts about this piece:
Pieces by difficulty by upcoming0682
Hello, Can you help me ranking the following pieces by difficulty? It doesn't need to be an exact ranking. By group can be fine - Debussy, Doctor gradus ad parnassum - Debussy,...
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How to build up to difficult pieces? General Advice Appreciated by pope urban ii
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Need new repertoire suggestion by tamaaa
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Should triplets be marked only on the first bar? by citizen_k
Hi Guys, a simple theory question: I came across Debussy's Arabesque #1 which contains 8th triplets on the first several bars, but the triplets are marked only on the first bar. (Excrepted...
What etudes should I play? by mistralx
Hi guys, I would like to ask you for some advices about etudes. Currently I am working on: Debbusy's Arabesque no. 1 Chopin's nocturne in C-sharp minor op. posth
teacher says to give up! help! by olivialeonie
Hi! I am right now playing Mozarts Alla Turca and Debussys Arabesque 1 in E-major. I have been playing the piano for 6 years and i am 19 years old. My musictheory teacher (not my pianoteacher) said that i...
Searching for New Repertoire by markcohen1
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Searching for New Repertoire by markcohen1
Hello my name is Mark Cohen and I am looking to begin something different from my previous work. I have been thinking along the lines of Liszt or Debussy in contrast to the large amount of Chopin and...
Debussy Arabesque #1. I need a lil help. by appassionata91
I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that the left and right hands don't match up perfectly. I've played a song before (from pride and prejudice movie) and the notes didn't line up...
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Claude Debussy, who was one of the prominent composers active in the Impressionism era, wrote this piece titled "Arabesque" No. 1 in E Major from Two Arabesques. The composition is categorized as "Piece" in the sheet music library and the level of difficulty in the piano music database is 7.