General Technique
Major Scales
from Scales and Arpeggios
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Forum posts about this piece:
Melodic scales confusion by geopianoincanada
I’ve asked my teacher to help guide me towards learning how to compose melodies. To that end presently I’m trying to understand how to correctly write and comprehend melodic minor scales as they...
Scales by heatherlindsey
I am a beginner piano player and I am having such a hard time getting the fingering right on scales and arpeggios. Does anyone have advice on how to get the correct fingering to stick in your head? ...
Scale interpretation by peacelovepiano
Hi everyone! I'm not sure if this is a stupid question, but I was wondering how scales should be interpretted. I have a couple of auditions coming up (my first ones- eep!) and I want the judges to...
Are Scales Necessary by jazzhands56
As A Intermediate Pianist Playing For 3 Years Up To The Standard Of ABRSM Grade 5 I'm Beginning To Wonder If Scales Are Necessary For Improving Performance As I've Only Learnt Basic Major And Minor...
Scales by rikmirth
I have been practicing the C Major Scale. After learning the fingering of C Major Scale should I go onto the G Major Scale or first learn the fingering of the C Major chords and/or arpeggios?...
scales for kids by ingunite
Wondering about how other piano teachers approach teaching scales to, say, a ten year old. I insist on starting on C major scale, one octave, both hands, from the very beginning (it is probably the first...
Teaching arpeggios & scales by pprelude
harder to teach ascending or descending arpeggio? and...
How often (or how long) do you practice scales? by tpoplar
How long do you practice technical exercises in a practice session (i.e. 5 minutes, an hour)? I'm just curious as to how long other pianists practice...
Scales by 8426
About a month ago me and my teacher decided to play only scales and Czerny. Is this good? Should I practice a piece also? What are good exercises/rythms for scales? To gain more fluidity...
I keep screwing up my scales! by nightlordq
there is a certain slowest speed I can play in my 1st exam for the ascending and descending scales like C major, G major, minor or whatever. I play them fine slowly but when I have to play at the slowest speed...
minor and major scale by drhosseinzadeh
hi what is the differences between minor and major scale in a written pieces eg a minor C major ? thanks...
Arpeggios and Scales ARGH! by tcovenent
I've been learning classical piano for about 6 Months now. Even though I'm not interested in becoming a concert pianist (My biggest ambition is to start an amateur Symphonic Metal band and play a few...
How to learn faster scales - learning strategy by timothy42b
I want to play scales faster. Granted there may be no discernible benefit, I want to do it anyway. What I'm doing now isn't working, so I'm looking for another strategy.
What's the point of scales? by aaron_ginn
Really, I don't get it. What does playing scales over and over gain you that simply playing real works doesn't? I'm a beginner and I'm currently working on the third...
Where can i find scales? by newb
Where can i find a complete set of scales with fingering downloadable from the internet and free of charge please? If anyone can help me i be really gratefull for your goodness. ??? im really...
D Major scale left hand fingering by goalevan
anybody else find this scale to be very awkward when using stardard fingering 54321321 and 12312341? is that how it's supposed to be...