I'm sure the most annoyed person that day was your mother on the side of the road with a flat tire trying to get a hold of you...
and had you been really focused on playing, you wouldn't have been disturbed by the vibrating phone.
but for a great competition, isn't your program a bit easy ?
Word. I had some bad expierences to. I MEAN REAL BAD.
WHY THE HELL do u keep a cellular phone in your pocket while playing?!
Perhaps it would be a good idea not to have a cellular phone turned on while anyone else is playing, either. It could just as easily have been one of the others who was distracted by it while playing.
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Here's what I ALWAYS do before performing. I don't have ANY jewellery on whilst playing and I take it all off beforehand. No watches, no necklaces - nothing. I also put my phone on to silent and make sure it doesn't vibrate. That way, after - if someone called you - you know they called, and can ring them back.