this is how hypermodern pianomusic sounds likepeople actually love this stuff
By the way, I found your piece quite interesting.
??...........hmm....if you where sitting in my home listening to me practicing this song for a few my parents.....(i remember how i used to wake everyone up in the morning)
This reminds me of a film i have seen where this man starts by smashing the piano with his hands, the house gests are horrified, he then stops and plays his own composition.Am sure you have seen this movie its about this man who lies about his identity to the authorities by pretending that he is married to this women inorder to gain citizinship, great film a romantic comedy.
holly... this song is actually sooo good ... it kinda sounds like prokovief with a bit or kabalevsky and a bit of crack... Do you have the sheet music for it.. if you do would u please email it to me at "aajjmb at" great job playing... did you practise or did you just wing it lol
Are you sure you are OK? allthumbs
actually i play mostly pieces from the romantic period.
You imagine how that poor piano felt.....