Alexander Scriabin
in D-sharp Minor, Op. 8 No. 12
The pounding octaves and building intensity of this piece requires a lot of energy. Because of the way the piece grabs you and doesn’t let go, it’s a definite showstopper!
Year: 1894
Period: Late Romantic
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Two minutes on the brink of madness
This piece requires a lot of energy over its roughly two minutes. Horowitz loved to use it as a fiery and technical encore. The pounding octaves and building intensity throughout paint a picture of someone teetering on the brink of madness. Pianists with smaller hands are left adrift because of the 11ths required in the left hand. Because of the way the piece grabs you and doesn’t let go, it’s a definite showstopper!Background
The twelve Etudes in Op. 8 were written when Scriabin was a young pianist-composer in his early twenties, and can almost be seen as his pianistic manifesto, trying to place himself alongside Chopin and Liszt. His bold originality is already evident in these charged, turbulent and sophisticated pieces.Forum posts about this piece:
How could I get my recordings published by the Deutsche Grammephone? by the_franzliszt
I was wondering where I could get my recordings professionally done at and where I could get them published (CD wise)? I want to publish a CD called: A Trip Across the Pacific, with all sorts of...
Scriabin Op 8 No 12 - Advice by dominict
I came across this piece a couple of months ago and really loved it, and have looked at a couple different interpretations (the Horowitz one is my favourite) but it looks fairly difficult and I'm not sure...
Could I learn Scriabin Etude Op.8 No. 12? by calculaepp
Hello! I know you guys hate these types of posts, but I still want some of your input! :) I just finished learning Chopin's Winter Wind etude (25/11) and while I feel like it gave a great...
Etude op8 no12 by Scriabin difficulty by random_pianist
I want to play this piece, but I don’t know if I am able to. The hardest pieces I know so far are prelude in C sharp minor by rachmaninoff and sonata in c major no16 by...
Yet another "modern" repertoire question by stream
Hello fellow members of Piano Street! I am yet another student searching for contemporary/modern pieces, preferably those that don't sound like a devil-summoning session with the universe...
Repertoire Suggestions by invictious
Hi guys! Look for for repertoire suggestions. I just completed the following pieces: Bach - Toccata in E minor BWV 914 Scriabin - Etude Op 8 No 12 Chopin - Etude Op 12 No 10
Pieces that sound as dramatic and engaging as Erlkonig by dontcheeseme
Beautiful pieces such as Erlkonig and Scriabin Etude Op. 8 No. 12 never fail to cause me to listen to them for many times a day. I'm on the hunt for pieces that are as dramatic-sounding and impressive to...
Planning to audition for music college; need help!!! by freehaydn
Hey guys like my title said I'm planning to audition for a (undergrad) music college/conservatory/something of that sort but im not sure about my choices Bach prelude and fugue WTC1 no 21...
Rach/Scriabin Etudes by rubinsteinmad
Hi guys, Can you please compare the difficulties of Scriabin's Etudes Op. 8 #12, and 42 #5 with some of the Rach Etudes? Which Rach Etudes are similar in difficulty? Thx...
Chopin's Revolutionary Etude vs Scriabin's Etude Op 8, No 12 by pytheamateur
Sometimes these two pieces are compared with each other. Which do you think is harder to learn and play...
Scriabin etude- SECOND version op 8 no 12 by chopinaninoff
What do you all think of his 2nd version that he wrote? Apparently it was his original.. I prefer this one to the one everyone plays. It has a brighter...
Help on Scriabin Etude Op. 8 No. 12 by swenghk
Can anyone give me any tips on learning Scriabin's Etude Op. 8 No. 12? This piece is killing me! And how long does something of this calibur take to learn on...
skriabin etude op. 8, no. 12 by birba
People here who play this: do you take the big left hand leap with the right hand when it's played in the middle of the right hand triad. I know Arrau...
Hand size issues with Scriabin etude Op 8 nr 12 by zeger_b
Hi! This etude is one of my favorite pieces, and I would love to learn it. The biggest problem though, is that my hands are not big enough to play an 11th. Since my hands do not permit it, is it okey to...
Scriabin etude d minor (8-12) memorizing by 3kitty333
Hi! Iťs now three weeks Im learning this etude and I play it at half tempo, but my problem is memorizing this piece! I don´t force it, I always let it come naturally and it doesn´t take too long time for...
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Etude Op. 8 No. 12 in D-sharp Minor, by the late romantic composer Alexander Scriabin. This piano piece was initially published in the year 1894 and is included in Etudes by Scriabin.