Robert Schumann
Op. 82

About Robert Schumann's Waldszenen

This collection, generally regarded as the finest piano work by Schumann from his later years, is rather similar in style and spirit to Kinderszenen, which was composed ten years earlier.
Waldszenen were written in the same year as Schumann’s only opera Genoveva, at a time when Schumann felt he had recovered from the “nervous prostrations” of the mid-1840s.
The best-known piece of the set is No. 7, “Vogel als Prophet” where the incomplete melodies and delicate textures create a weirdly beautiful atmosphere.

Preview TitleKey Year Level
1. Eintritt Op. 82 No. 1  in B-flat Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAB 1. Eintritt 33 B-flat Major 1849 8+
2. Jäger auf der Lauer Op. 82 No. 2  in D Minor by Schumann piano sheet music AAC 2. Jäger auf der Lauer 8 D Minor 1849 8+
3. Einsame Blumen  Op. 82 No. 3  in B-flat Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAD 3. Einsame Blumen 33 B-flat Major 1849 8+
4. Verrufene Stelle  Op. 82 No. 4  in D Minor by Schumann piano sheet music AAE 4. Verrufene Stelle 8 D Minor 1849 8+
5. Freudliche Landschaft Op. 82 No. 5  in B-flat Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAF 5. Freudliche Landschaft 33 B-flat Major 1849 8+
6. Herberge  Op. 82 No. 6  in E-flat Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAG 6. Herberge 11 E-flat Major 1849 8+
7. Vogel als Prophet Op. 82 No. 7  in G Minor by Schumann piano sheet music AAH 7. Vogel als Prophet 24 G Minor 1849 8+
8. Jagdlied  Op. 82 No. 8  in E-flat Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAI 8. Jagdlied 11 E-flat Major 1849 8+
9. Abschied  Op. 82 No. 9  in B-flat Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAJ 9. Abschied 33 B-flat Major 1849 8+

Forum posts about the Waldszenen by Robert Schumann

How is this note meant to be played? by pcaraganis
Can someone please help me understand the purpose of the circled B half-note in the first measure of this piece (Schumann's Waldszenen,...

Note position on staff by pcaraganis
Hello, I'm an adult beginner, and something that sometimes causes me confusion is when notes are placed in essentially the same rhythm...

Schumann: Barenreiter or Henle by tmcevoy213
I'm getting into Schumann and looking to pick up nice editions of some solo piano works (Album for the Young, Scenes from Childhood, Kr...

Schumann's Waldszenen (Forest Scenes) Op. 82 by rachmaninova
Hi there! I made a search through this forum about this cycle, but there isn't much said about it. What do you think of this work? I h...