Robert Schumann
Three Romances
Op. 28

About Robert Schumann's Three Romances

Schumann himself was quite fond of the Romances, three contrasting character pieces dating from the late 1830s, his perhaps most productive period in terms of keyboard music.
Even after Schumann’s own prospects as a concert pianist were ruined by permanent damage to his right hand, his affinity for the piano continued, not least because of his relationship with Clara Wieck, the extraordinary pianist who was to become Schumann’s wife in 1840 after his long struggle with her objecting father.

Preview TitleKey Year Level
1. Romance: Sehr markiert Op. 28 No. 1  in B-flat Minor by Schumann piano sheet music AAB 1. Romance: Sehr markiert 34 B-flat Minor 1839 8+
2. Romance: Einfach Op. 28 No. 2  in F-sharp Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAC 2. Romance: Einfach 19 F-sharp Major 1839 8+
3. Romance: Sehr markiert Op. 28 No. 3  in B Major by Schumann piano sheet music AAD 3. Romance: Sehr markiert 35 B Major 1839 8+