Sergey Prokofiev
Sonata 3
in A Minor, Op. 28

Within a classical sonata form, Prokofiev's shortest sonata is full of youthful energy and features a lot of pianistic pyrotechnics, but also beautifully lyrical passages.

ID: 2290
Sergey Prokofiev - Sonatas:

Sonata 3
Op. 28

Key: A Minor
Year: 1917
Level: 8+
Period: Modern
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Prokofiev Pyrotechnics

As Prokofiev did with many of his works, he “stop-started” the third sonata over a period of 10 years from 1907-1917. Compared to most of the other sonatas, the sonata is tiny and barely covers seven minutes. It’s written in a single, agitated movement and truly features the pianist’s bag of various tricks. In true Prokofiev style, about two minutes from the end, the music crashes to a stop and then starts up again with nearly inaudible triplets and builds again to the same frenzied pace of before.

Forum posts about this piece:

Prokofiev Sonata No.3 fingerings by vliano
Hello, pianists! I`ll come clean from the start- I`m having difficulties with finding adequate fingerings for measure 110 of Prokofiev`s Sonata No.3. (as the editions I`ve encountered don`t have adnotated...

Prokofiev sonata 7 and 3 1st movement by rachlover23
hi guys. my teacher said she wanted me to choose some Prokofiev for an upcoming comp. I can't decide if I want to play movement 1 of sonata 7 or 3. does anyone know the relative difficulty of them...

Prokofiev Diffuculty? by ggrant4569
Hello. I'm a casual pianist currently working on Scriabin's famous Etude: Op. 8, No. 12. I'm just curious if, after I've finished this piece, Prokofiev's third sonata in a minor would...

What to learn after Prokofiev sonata 3 by expressman70
What would be a good step forward after tackling 3rd prokofievs sonata? I don't want to play visions fugitifs or pieces op12 I believe. Please give me suggestions of relatively little more harder works I...

Programme suggestion for Recial by lamhon186l
Hi all, I'm doing my end of year recital at music college in May, and I need some suggestion(s) to fill the remaining 10-15 min gap in my programme. Current decided programme: Rachmaninoff...

Prokofiev Youtube Channel! by peeinbush
Hi guys! I've decided to start a channel featuring Prokofiev's music syncopated with sheet music, which can be found here:

Reasonable concerto to begin with by cameronbiles
Hi! So I've been asked to play in a concert next summer (August 2017) and was looking for a concerto to play in that time frame. I'm at a decent level (currently learning/polishing...

Prokofiev sonata No. 3 help by cameronbiles
Hi all! I've started work on Proks 3rd sonata for my second year recital and I seem to have hit a bit of conundrum with the development section. My main issue is fingering specifically the...

prokofiev sonata no.3 by rachorbach
Im getting ready for my RCM exam and for my last piece I've chosen prokofiev's 3rd sonata. just need some help on starting this piece, so if anyone played this before thanks a lot!! ...

Prokofiev Sonata 3... a huge rhythm 'what the' moment. m27 by Nanabush
I'm planning on starting this, have looked through the sheets a little while back, nothing serious, but I want to play this for school, and hopefully finish for April. Everything seems fine,...

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Sergey Prokofiev: Sonata 3 Op. 28 in A Minor from Sonatas - piano sheet music to print instantly. This piece is level 8+ and was composed during the Modern period.
This piece is composed by Sergey Prokofiev and was published in 1917. Title: Sonata 3, Op. 28 in A Minor from Sonatas. The difficulty level is around ABRSM grade 8+ and it belongs to the Modern period.