Sergey Prokofiev
Diabolic Suggestion
Op. 4 No. 4
Year: 1912
Period: Modern
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Forum posts about this piece:
LTCL repertoire by britta
Hi everyone, I'm currently practicing and planning for my LTCL recital, and want some advice on my repertoire, and i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice!! Bach, partita...
Scriabin poème difficulty by artlin02
Hi, I’ve finished Liszts Liebestrum and Rachmaninovs humoresque (op 10, 5). Can i play Scriabins poème op. 34? Is it way too hard? I was also wondering about Prokofievs op 4, 4, how hard is it? How hard are...
Looking for 20th century pieces! by hisoka23
Guys please suggest me some 20th century pieces( difficulty like Prokofiev Suggestion Diabolique, Debussy Pour le piano, Scriabin 4th sonata or even more...
How hard would you rank this pieces? by santiagoguerrero
I would love to play Shostakovich's 2nd concerto with Prokofiev's Suggestion Diabolique as an encore. How hard would you rate those...
What emotion is suggested in Prokofiev's Suggestion Diabolique? by wildman
As the title says. As I suspected it to be, the piece follows the "devil" genre of piano music, where lots of technique is required and the composer/musician sort of wants the audience to...
Suggestion Diabolique by joachim.hanna
How hard is it to play Prokofiev's "Suggestion Diabolique"? Is it much harder than Rachmaninov's Prélude Op. 23 Nr. 5 or Rachmaninov's Prélude Op. 3 Nr.2 ?
Which one should I play for a competition? by wilmerguido
Which one should I play and which one is more difficult for you? Ravel Toccata from Le Tombeau de Couperin Ravel Alborada del Gracioso from Miroirs Debussy Reflets dans l'eau from Images
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This piece is composed by Sergey Prokofiev and was published in 1912. Title: Diabolic Suggestion, Op. 4 No. 4 from Four Pieces. The difficulty level is around ABRSM grade 8+ and it belongs to the Modern period.