Sergey Prokofiev
Four Pieces
Op. 3

About Sergey Prokofiev's Four Pieces

Prokofiev attracted attention already in his teens, because of his virtuosity and his bold and percussive treatment of the piano, often making the conservative audiences shudder with horror. These works already show a lot of individual style. Actually composed before his Four Etudes for Piano Op. 2 (1909), the Four Pieces for Piano Op. 3, were only published in 1911.

Preview TitleKey Year Level
1. Tale Op. 3 No. 1  in C Major by Prokofiev piano sheet music AAB 1. Tale 1 C Major 1908 7
2. Joke Op. 3 No. 2  in C Major by Prokofiev piano sheet music AAC 2. Joke 1 C Major 1908 8
3. March Op. 3 No. 3  in F Major by Prokofiev piano sheet music AAD 3. March 17 F Major 1908 8
4. Phantom Op. 3 No. 4  in D Minor by Prokofiev piano sheet music AAE 4. Phantom 8 D Minor 1908 8