Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sonata 8
in A Minor, K. 310

ID: 69
Key: A Minor
Year: 1778
Level: 8
Period: Classical
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Forum posts about this piece:

LTCL repertoire by britta
Hi everyone, I'm currently practicing and planning for my LTCL recital, and want some advice on my repertoire, and i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice!! Bach, partita...

Mozart A minor Sonata K 310 - Why does everyone play the 2nd movement so slowly? by firepanda
I'm admittedly not the biggest Mozart fan — I don't have much of an ear for anything before Mendelssohn really — but I've been listening to more of him and this sonata is one of my...

Mozart sonata KV 310 by morwenna
I have been studying this piece on and off for a while now. It's still not going as it should...The first movement is nearly finished, but at certain points I keep struggling to stay in tempo. The last...

Major or Minor pieces? by ivorycherry
Hello, So I was going over my repertoire yesterday and polishing some of my pieces and I observed is that out of all the 9 pieces in my repertoire 8 are minor and I was just wondering if most people like...

Mozart Sonatas that are left hand heavy for practice? by yozansen
Does anyone anyone know of Mozart sonatas that have a lot of action on the left hand? The only one I can think of is the 1st movement of K. 310. Thanks  ...

Appoggiatura in Mozart Sonata no. 8 in A minor K310 by leo_t7
I am currently working on Mozart's Piano Sonata in A Minor, and have been wondering how to play the appoggiaturas in the minor theme, particularly the second one (first appoggiatura of second bar).

13 y/o Concert Program - Suggestions? by soultrap
I decided to play my second solo Concert soon. My first was a year ago, and the program consisted of: Bach - Toccata in E minor BWV 914 Mozart - Sonata in A minor, K. 310 Mendelssohn -...

Mozart Sonata no 8 speed, how can I feel again secure? by faa2010
Since February, I started to learn the first movement of Sonata no 8 of Mozart in A minor. My teacher has told me that I have made good progress despite some flaws. .: However, today, I watched the...

Mozart Fantasia in C minor by beethovenfan01
I'm just curious about Mozart's Fantasia in C minor--it's my favorite piece by him, and I'd like to know more about it. Why is it so different from so many of his other works (I only know of...

Practice approach for Mozart Piano Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K310 by bernadette60614
I began this piece two weeks and I'd like to ask the group if anyone has any practice suggestions or techniques. I'm doing my customary:  Hands alone, hands together, 5x perfectly each...

Left hand trills problem - Mozart by abbyes
Hi everyone ! Recently, a few days ago I started learning Mozart sonata in A minor ( K.310 ) . I didnt have any problem until I reached at the half of the first movement a section that have trills...

Pieces for picking up women by boxjuice
Hi, I wanna use those public pianos in train stations and stuff to attract women to pick up but i need pieces, like Liszt's Liebestraum for example, to play. I want pieces that display technical...

Mozart Sonata 310 problem by kristinazx
When I practice this piece I can't play it without mistakes and non stop I slide ( don't know English expression) from tones. This piece isn't so difficult for doing that or it is? I'm...

In the mood for a Mozart sonata... by kelly_kelly
...which one? I've worked on K. 332 and K. 457. I really like K. 284, K. 310, K. 533, and K. 576. My reservations about each are: K. 284 is rather long with the Theme and Variations, and...

Left hand semiquavers in Mozart K310 by porcupine
I'm playing Mozart's A minor sonata K310 (first movement), and it's not going too badly, except for the left hand stream of semiquavers (last 5 bars of the exposition and similar passages)....

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Piano sheet music and recordings. This piece is from Sonatas by Wolfgang Amadéus Mozart: Sonata K. 310 in A Minor (published in 1778) . Level 8, Period: Classical
Sonata K. 310 in A Minor, by the classical composer Wolfgang Amadéus Mozart. This piano piece was initially published in the year 1778 and is included in Sonatas by Mozart.