Franz Liszt
Mephisto Waltz 1
in A Major, S . 514

ID: 2249
Franz Liszt - Mephisto Waltzes:

Mephisto Waltz 1
S . 514

Key: A Major
Year: 1860
Level: 8+
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:

Fastest Recording by piabanoch
Which do you think are very fast recording? i would an example: Katia Buniatshvili Mephisto...

Mephisto waltz or tarantella by the green piano man
Which one is harder technically and musically overall. I think about the venezia napoli tarantella....

Mephisto Waltz no1 by decard
hello guys. I've been working on Liszt's mephisto valse for a while. I'm currently in the waltz part of the piece, which has repetitive notes, and I encountered a serious problem. I can play the...

Injury and Treatments by ordinateur
Hi all, I'm new around here and I signed up just to ask this question. Please let me know if I posted this in the wrong area. So just for starters, I am a junior in high school and am a very...

Harmonic feelings or what? by billybraga
Hi, im a intermediate student, and i want to know how the composers choose their melodies, how the notes can fit so perfect with the chords of the left hand? For example, on mephisto waltz no.1, liszt write a...

Just for fun by arpeggio
Just for fun and maybe discuss after...

Mephisto Waltz VS El Contrabandista by gregoireabadie1
Hello everyone, I was wondering which of these pieces is the most difficult : Mephisto Waltz or El Contrabandista ? Thank you ! ...

Do you think Liszt has gratuitious virtuosity? by ranjit
I've heard this very often, and would like to hear your opinions on it. Since I began listening to classical music, Liszt has pretty much been my favorite composer. And it is not just because he's...

Recital Suggestions by billyfisher100
Hello all, I will soon be giving an all-Liszt lunchtime recital - can you please let me know what you think of the programme and make any suggestions/changes? I have opted not to play the Sonata...

Hungarian Rhapsody vs Mephisto Waltz by expressman70
Hello, I was wondering which is one is more challenging. Based on my perception, I would like to say that HR9 is harder, can anyone comment on that, I am interested in...

Works like Mephisto waltz Liszt by expressman70
Hey all, I would like to play a work of similar difficulty as Mephisto Waltz, and would of gladly play itself, but I am uncomfortable about the pretext of the piece and story behind it.

Summer project by expressman70
Should I do prokofievs 3rd full concerto or 1 movement along with Mephisto waltz ravel jeux deau, and feux follets? Please recommend me something. I will also be in process of preparing 2nd rach...

Scriabin 5th sonata by expressman70
Could you comment on Richter's judgement of the work as the hardest in piano repertoire along with Mephisto waltz. (I btw do not consider Mephisto as one of the hardest) But could you consider it to be at...

Liszt Mephisto waltz abriged version by santiagoguerrero
I read on the Henle Verlag website that Liszt "simplified" his Mephisto Waltz for a friend. Does anyone know about this and where can I get the sheet? I'm also looking for the Piano...

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Piano sheet music downloads and recordings. This piece is by Franz Liszt: Mephisto Waltz no 1 in A Major (published in 1860) . Level 8+, Period: Early Romantic
Mephisto Waltz no 1 in A Major, by the early romantic composer Franz Liszt. This piano piece was published in 1860 and is included in Miscellaneous pieces by Liszt.