Franz Liszt
Hungarian Rhapsody
in C-sharp Minor, S . 244 No. 12

ID: 684
Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsodies S. 244:

12. Hungarian Rhapsody

Key: C-sharp Minor
Year: 1853
Level: 8+
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:

Repertoire to go alongside Liszt's 12th Hungarian Rhapsody by ingham444
Hi, Anyone have any suggestions on some pieces that would compliment the aforementioned piece? -  not to be performed, just for personal enjoyment in building a new repertoire.

Who has played and performed Liszt's HR#12? by Presto Agitato
I have two questiosn for those who have played and perfomed this piece. 1.- Who long did it take you to learn it properly? 2.- In your opinion, which is the most difficult part of the piece?

Liszt: "Un Sospiro" or HR #12 by Presto Agitato
Hello Do you guys think that HR#12 is harder than "Un Sospiro"? Why? I really like to know your points of view about this.

Help me to play Hungarian Rhapsody num 12 by Gambit
Any general advices?? Thanks in...

Members who like this piece have also downloaded:

DOWNLOAD: Franz Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12 in C-sharp Minor ( from Hungarian Rhapsodies by Liszt). Piano sheet music to print immediately or to view in mobile devices.
Franz Liszt, who was one of the prominent composers active in the Early Romantic era, wrote this piece titled "Hungarian Rhapsody" No. 12 in C-sharp Minor from Hungarian Rhapsodies. The composition is categorized as "Piece" in the sheet music library and the level of difficulty in the piano music database is 8+.

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