Franz Liszt
Après une lecture du Dante
S . 161 No. 7
from Années de pèlerinage, Second Year: Italy
Year: 1858
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:
Which etudes to study for musical development at a advanced level by jaquet
Hello fellow pianists (or ones attempeting to be one like myself), Im curious because ive now been given the burden of far too much free time, now being off school. I want to pick up some studies to develop...
Analysis of a beautiful passage by Liszt by colline1750
Hi! I would like to share with you an analysis of one of the most breathtaking passages from Liszt's oeuvre. Besides the unique texture, it is also very harmonically sophisticated.
Repetoire for competition by jaquet
Hi there, im looking into joining a major competition in two years and im just planning the repetoire now. Could you guys give me some advice for some repetoire by Bach which is very polyphonic, beautiful and...
Similar pieces to the "Dante Sonata" by zecameags
Hi! I am starting my journey in Liszt compositions, and I've always loved the "Après une lecture du Dante: Fantasia quasi Sonata ". Something about the mysteriousness and the deep emotional parts...
Can a performance with a few mistakes still be a "perfect" interpretation? by pianobern69
Is it possible for a recording of a technically-not-so-flawless performance to still be considered a "perfect" or successful interpretation? In my opinion, yes, but I want to know what you guys think....
How does Daniel Barenboim play the Dante Sonata? by beethovenfan01
He's just an example; but I've read that he has relatively small hands. So how do he and concert pianists like him play pieces that require a larger hand span (for instance: the Dante Sonata).
Fur Elise and Liszt Dante Sonata by punkpianist360
Which is...
Liszt Dante Sonata Urghhh!! by chloebeethoven
;D Hi I just started Liszt Dante Sonata and this is a really Liszt. I tried to interpret this piece carefully but it's so hard for me. Can anyone help me out here? Liszt Dante...
Favorite recording of Liszt's "Dante Sonata"? by ryguillian
So far I'm going with Leif Ove Andsnes... Thoughts? Best,
Members who like this piece have also downloaded:
Après une lecture du Dante No. 7, a composition by the early romantic composer Franz Liszt who was born in 1811 and died in 1886. The piano score of this piece was first published in 1858 and is part of Liszt's Années de pèlerinage, Second Year: Italy.