Joseph Haydn
in C Major, L. 48 Hob. XVI: 35
ID: 458
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Forum posts about this piece:
Conservatory auditions - How is my program? by rokfiev97
Hello, This is another one of those "rate my audition program" sort of posts, but i want the feedback of others to see what they say. Here are the audition requirements: A...
Haydn Sonata 35 by emmas_dad
I once heard the Haydn "Sonatina" in C major in the Schirmer "Sonatina Album" referred to as a sonata. The sheet music available for download here lists that piece as Sonata 35, HOB. 16, but...
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Sonata in C Major, Hob. 16 No. 35 by the composer Joseph Haydn who lived from 1732 to 1809.
The piece was published in 1780 and is included in Haydn's Sonatas.
Sonata in C Major, Hob. 16 No. 35 by the composer Joseph Haydn who lived from 1732 to 1809.
The piece was published in 1780 and is included in Haydn's Sonatas.