Frédéric Chopin
in F-sharp Minor, Op. 28 No. 8
Year: 1834
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:
Harmonic analysis of measures 23 and 24 of Chopin's Prelude no.8, in F# minor by jlmap
Can someone help me in understanding what is going on in these two measures? Is it possible to try a Roman Numeral Analysis? By the way, if someone wants to say something about the general harmonic organization...
Chopin Prelude op.28 no.8 by gandharba
Hi there After a while I seem to have the notes together on this one. It's not easy to stay relaxed though. Especially in the final bars, the right hand is very repetitive and I find my hand...
struggle with chopin prelude 8 by fdb067
hello pianostreet members I play piano OK however this is the first time I need to overcome a difficulty such as this one in this incredible prelude. yet it is very simple: the right hand is in 4...
chopin prelude 8 in F# by Sekoul
i just started this piece after finishing rachmaninoff's prelude in C# and its a pretty big change. i cant get used to the rhythm... can anybody tell me how the helll to play both hands together im going...
Prelude Op. 28 No. 8 in F-sharp Minor, a composition by the early romantic composer Frédéric Chopin who was born in 1810 and died in 1849. The piano score of this piece was first published in 1834 and is part of Chopin's Preludes.