Frédéric Chopin
Nocturne 21
in C Minor, B. 108
Strikingly simple in both melodic and harmonic terms, this Nocturne tells its tale in a near improvisatory fashion over a steady accompaniment.
Year: 1848
Period: Early Romantic
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Folk-like simplicity
The 21st Nocturne is strikingly simple in both melodic and harmonic terms. Its melancholic and almost folk-like melody tells its tale in a near improvisatory fashion over a steady, ever-present accompaniment. Through the journey, Chopin explores a few melodic motifs, often decorated with his trusty fioritura figurations, but rarely straying from the character established by the opening theme. The piece ends quietly on the minor tonic – one of the few Nocturnes to do so, the others being the Nocturne in B major Op. 32 no. 1 and the Nocturne in C minor Op. 48 no. 1.Background
Chopin’s 21:st Nocturne was published posthumously in 1860 as a part of “4 Piéces pour piano” by Charlotte de Rothschild (1825–1899), and was first published under Chopin’s name in 1938. Sources disagree on when it was written, some stating 1847-1848, and others 1837.Forum posts about this piece:
Chopin’s last Nocturne by tinctoria88
Does anyone know the currently agreed on compositional date of Chopin’s last Nocturne? I’ve found 1848 and 1837 referring to the Nocturne in C minor. That’s a big gap of years dating that...
Chopin Nocturne in c sharp minor Op. Posth no 20 by madsfr1234
Hi, my name is Mads :D I am 12 years old, and have been playing the piano in about one year. I live in Danmark :d Yesterday i got the Chopin Nocturne No. 20 Op. Posth in c sharp minor. I...
Chopin Nocturne in C minor, posthumous by dorjuanhoop
I'm learning Chopin's Nocturne in C minor, posthumous. I think it's sometimes referred to as No. 20 and sometimes No. 21. I'm about halfway through and things are going very well,...
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Nocturne in C Minor, Op. posth. by the composer Frédéric Chopin who lived from 1810 to 1849.
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