Frédéric Chopin
in E Major, Op. 10 No. 3

Chopin famously said about this etude, nicknamed Tristesse: “In all my life I have never again been able to find such a beautiful melody.”

ID: 118
Frédéric Chopin - Etudes:

Op. 10 No. 3

Key: E Major
Year: 1832
Level: 8
Period: Early Romantic
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Chopin called the theme of the Etude, Op. 10, No. 3 to be the most beautiful he ever composed. The piece is charming and simple, lacking the fiery pyrotechnics of the other etudes. It is somewhat similar in scope, style and atmosphere to the second movement of Beethoven’s Pathétique Sonata. Others have called the piece "Tristesse", but rather than just “sadness” it seems to express a kind of warm nostalgia and love for the homeland.


Chopin famously said about this etude, nicknamed Tristesse: “In all my life I have never again been able to find such a beautiful melody.” When he played the piece for a student once, he reportedly burst into tears and cried "Oh, my homeland!" It's interesting to note that Chopin marked it at 100 beats per minute, which is quite a lot faster than most people play it nowadays.

Forum posts about this piece:

Piano Pieces for around Upper Intermediate - Lower Advanced Level by kaideedee17
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What piano piece should I learn next? by pianoperson2008
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How to improve in the middle section of Chopin's Etude op 10 no 3? by faa2010
Hi, since last year, I started to learn, practice and play Chopin's Etude op 10 no 3. My advance was great, but after I took out the metronome and I wanted to play faster, the middle section has become a...

What do you learn by studying and playing Chopin's Etude op 10 no 3 "Tristesse"? by faa2010
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Some problems in Chopin Etudes Op10 no 2,3 and 5 by ssssass
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Learning Chopin Etude op 10 no 3 by zipnix
Hey everyone Might consider asking my teacher if I could learn this Chopin etude. Even though I have faced harder pieces before in terms of grades, I still don't feel ready for it yet (10+ years...

help with memorizing a run by pianodude1
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First piano competition. help! by pianodude1
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Chopin's Etude op.10 no.3 by pianoviolin
Hey guys :) I've been working on this Etude, and I must say, its a beautiful piece but it is a sort of challenging piece (especially the middle section) which i LOVE! Well when it gets to the...

Chopin's Etude Op. 10 No. 3 by vincentl
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Chopin - Etude Op.10 No.3 by chopianist123
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Etude in E Major, Op. 10 No. 3 by the composer Frédéric Chopin who lived from 1810 to 1849.
The piece was published in 1832 and is included in Chopin's Etudes.

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