Johannes Brahms
51 Piano Exercises

ID: 1049
Johannes Brahms - Piano Studies:

51 Piano Exercises

Key: N/A
Year: 1893
Level: 8
Period: Early Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:

Validity of the Brahms Exercises? by chopinlover01
So, to preface, my technique is somewhat "unbalanced"; my octaves are good, my thirds and sixths are okay (though nowhere their respective Chopine etudes), my scales are "meh", my arpeggios...

New excersises by pianisten1989
Hi I've just (almost) finished Czerny op 377, 40 daily excersises. My question is: What is good to begin with next? I've thought about both Czerny's 160 excersises in 8 bars (or...

Brahms 51 exercises by kghayesh
Hi, I want to ask about those exercises. Are they just mechanical exercises like Hanon, or they are etudes, in which they should be played musically too ? And are they important to develop technique...

Brahms by wishful thinker
Have just bought Brahms 51 Übungen für das Pianoforte to keep me going over the Christmas hols.  8) Sucker for punishment or what? ...

Brahms 51 Excercises by cloches_de_geneve
Hi Everyone, In reviewing finger-excersise books to keep my fingers in shape, I recently came across the 51 excercises by Brahms. I have volume 1, containing excersices from 1 to 25. It is...

Brahms 51 Recording by michael_langlois Does anyone else find it completely absurd that Biret has recorded the Brahms...

51 exercises by brahms by nakedape
hey all. i'm trying to work on the brahms exercises and i'm already stuck on the first one. it's not because of the rhythms but my problem is in the fingering. how are they supposed to be...

Brahms 51 Exercises by michael_langlois
My teacher just assigned these to me.  Has anyone heard of them?  Have you found them helpful?  Any other...

brahms exercises by Tash
i read a book once, i can't remember what it was, that suggested playing brahms's 53 is 53 isn't it, or something like that... just wondering what others thought of them? cos...

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Piano sheet music and recordings. This piece is by Johannes Brahms: 51 Piano Exercises . Level 8, Period: Early Romantic
51 Piano Exercises , by the early romantic composer Johannes Brahms. It was written during the Early Romantic period and is included in Miscellaneous pieces by Brahms.