Piano Street Magazine

Cliburn Competition 2009 – Repertoire List

June 8th, 2009 in Piano Street Site News by | 3 comments

Cliburn Piano VideoThe 2009 edition of the Van Cliburn Piano Competition has now come to an end. Those of you who have been following the competition’s live webcasts have been able to enjoy an extensive amount of interesting performances of great piano music. If you haven’t been watching, the great news is that all performances are now available for on demand streaming from the video archive at www.cliburn.tv.

A tribute from Piano Street

At Piano Street we were amazed about the ability to have instant on demand access to all the performances, although it was not that easy to get an overview of the many pieces performed, by who and when.
So, since we are not only passionate about classical piano music but also about organizing piano music in a user friendly way, we spent the weekend putting together a little tribute to the Cliburn Competition and its participating pianists in the form of an organized repertoire list.

The list is featuring various sorting abilities as well as links to the sheet music of the pieces available from the Piano Street sheet music library.

Watch great performances online and follow along in the sheet music:
Cliburn 2009 – Competition Repertoire

The 2009 Cliburn winners are:

Gold Medalists (tie for first):
Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, 20 (Japan)
Mr. Haochen Zhang, 19 (China)

Silver Medalist:
Ms. Yeol Eum Son, 23 (South Korea)

The Live Webcast
The entire Thirteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition was streamed in real time to tens of thousands of viewers worldwide. As of June 6, the webcast player has received 231,265 visits from people in 132 countries. The most viewed performance was Evgeni Bozhanov’s Final Round recital.


  • Abbey says:

    Who is happy that the two guys won?

  • I do not believe that the piano cares one whit about the gender of the person who lovingly and artfully transforms hard-to-the-touch keys into tools of softness, strength and grace. I am delighted that some young people in this world devote themselves to the classics. The winners are to be congratulated, for theirs is a life devoted to excellence in their chosen field. Bravo!

  • Benilove says:

    I am very impressed but I still think this is no news to the people from Asia. I would suggest that competitions of such should involve people from the African countries. Piano Street Team, you are doing a great job kep it up.

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