The Piano Speaks!
At the World Venice Forum 2009 and the conference on environmental issues and international law, organised by the International Academy of Environmental Sciences, Austrian composer Peter Ablinger presented “Deus Cantando” – a player piano “reading” a child’s recitation of the “Declaration of the International Environmental Criminal Court”, written by Nobel Peace Laureates Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and the Dalai Lama.
Ablinger transferred the frequency spectrum of the child’s voice to his computer controlled mechanical piano so that “with a little practice, or help or subtitling, we actually can hear a human voice in a piano sound” — and the result is certainly compelling.
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Pianoforte is one of the most wonderful discovers of de mankind. Please dont joke with it.
The human ear is extremely sensitive and the brain is perfectly trained to understand language. The video demonstrates the wonders of the human body rather than wonders of technology.
That is live!!! Interesting, but what can it do? I mean, how can it be beneficial?
This is unreal! And I love what Tsachi wrote. Very fascinating!
Reminds me of ‘Sparky the Magic Piano’ on BBC radio when I was a kid!