Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata 5
in C Minor, Op. 10 No. 1
Year: 1798
Period: Classical
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Forum posts about this piece:
audition repertoire!! by nadiaheheheh
hi peeps! I am currently a junior in high school and will be applying for music schools this winter. I am thinking to apply for schools like umich, msm, and peabody. I would really appreciate your thoughts...
RCM Level 10 Repertoire Selections by rafeperry
Hi everyone, I'm working on figuring out the repertoire I want to do for my level 10 exam. I have a pretty good idea these pieces are all strong choices but please let me know your thoughts! I'm a...
Beethoven - Sonata No. 5 in C minor, Op. 10 No. 1 Tempo by rtheunissen
Dear people, Lately, I've been studying Beethoven's 5th sonata and it's going quite well. However, I don't really know what tempo to play the first movement at. I like the beginning...
Repertoire Ideas Needed by abt426
Hello, I am looking for a romantic or impressionist piece to round out my audition material and recital program. I plan to audition as a piano minor next year and would like to choose something...
ATCL Repertoire: Choice of Pieces by archit.anand19
Hi all! I'm preparing for my ATCL with the following repertoire: - Beethoven - Sonata No. 5 Op. 10 No. 1 in C Minor - Chopin - Impromptu No. 3 in Gb, op. 51 - Liszt - Leibestraum no. 3...
Need help for DipABRSM repertoire/programme by wintersolstice
Hey everyone. So I'm planning to take DipABRSM and would need to plan a recital programme. Here's what I have for now: 1. Scarlatti k208 and 209 2. Beethoven Sonata Op. 10 No. 1
my audition repitore by ryborn
So i'm auditioning to a variety of schools next month, most of which request 3 out of the 4 pieces I have prepared: Classical sonata first Mov: Beethoven 10, 1 Bach P&F: Dminor Bk1
[ATCL in 2 weeks] slightly under time limit by jessipch
hi guys, I will be having my ATCL in 2 weeks. We did record (including bowings) which was within 32-38 mins (~33mins), as required by Trinity. I just checked their syllabus:[i]the time between movements...
Hidden clues in Beethoven's music? by marijn1999
Hi guys, Yesterday I listened to Beethoven's 4th Piano Concerto and played through his 5th Piano Sonata. I've known these works for quite some years but yesterday all the sudden I noticed...
Beethoven Piano Sonata #5 In C Minor, Op. 10, No. 5 - 3. Finale by bonjing
Hello! I am having rhythmic problems on this piece. How do I play measure 34? I really don't know how to play the triplets. I keep using the metronome but it doesn't help me at all. When I play hands...
Beethoven op10no1 - trouble areas by feddera
I now have all three movements memorized, and I am now entering the "polishing-phase". The first movement was fairly straightforward, and technically I have it pretty much under control. The second...
Difficulty of these pieces.. by mmro
Could someone tell me the order of these pieces from the easiest to the hardest? Chopin Poloanaise Op 26 No 1 Beethoven Sonata Op 10 No 1 Mozart Sonata K332 Schubert Impromptu Op...
Beethoven Sonata op.10 No.1 (Help needed!) by xamy
I need practice methods for the following: 2nd mouvement: bars 17, 19 and 21: How fast are these "small" notes ment to go? Also does anyone have any good fingering? At the...
Sonata 5 Op. 10 No. 1 in C Minor, a composition by the classical composer Ludwig van Beethoven who was born in 1770 and died in 1827. The piano score of this piece was first published in 1798 and is part of Beethoven's Sonatas.