Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata 28
in A Major, Op. 101
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Forum posts about this piece:
Competition Repertoire - Beethoven 101 1st Mvmt vs 4th by caevon
Hey all, I'm entering a competition in several months that requires either the first or last movement of a Classical sonata, and the piece I have in my repertoire is Beethoven's Opus 101 as...
BeethovenĀ“s sonata 101 (1st mov) turn question by pianinha
So here is my pet peeve.... The turn is right in the start... Common ways as followed by wikipedia is as such ( we all hate wikipedia) Following the wikipedia rule, the turn...
What are the main technical difficulties of Beethoven Op. 101? by lmpianist
In the lists of "Beethoven's piano sonatas ranked by difficulty," Op. 101 is frequently near the top, or at least in the top 8. I'm interested to know which passages people consider to...
Beethoven Op. 101 by tmcguire
How do you execute the short trill in the fugue (last...
Urgent Beethoven op. 101 Question by michael_langlois
The third movement (or the introduction to the finale, if you like) of Beethoven's Sonata in A Major, op. 101, is partially a quotation of a major choral work of Bach - I can't remember which and...
Beethoven - OP. 101 by Jamesb
I am learning this sonata - anyone have a good fingering for the 4ths in the rh, last movt. bars 248 - 252? My editions all suggest 4-1 and 5-2, which works but is not that comfortable....
Sonata 28 in A Major Op. 101 by the composer Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). This piano piece was composed in 1816 and is part of Beethoven's Sonatas.