Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata 26 (Les adieux)
in E-flat Major, Op. 81
Year: 1810
Period: Classical
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Forum posts about this piece:
What repetoire should I learn?? Please give me suggestions thanks by virtuoso_pianist
Hi users of Pianostreet, I'm 17 years old and I recently just completed my LMus (the Aussie equivalent of the LTCL or LSRM) and I was wondering what repetoire I should learn now? I intend to...
Difficulty of Prokofiev Sonata No. 6 Movement 1 vs 4 by goge88
I am looking to play one movement, preferably 1 or 4, from this sonata, but I need to see which one is more manageable. To give you guys a clue of where I am technically/musically speaking, my current...
Perfect pitch??? by ranjit
I was previewing an ear training software trying to identify seventh chords. Just as soon as I heard the notes of a Bb dominant seventh chord, I felt that it sounded very familiar. After a while, I realized...
Les adieux help/ choosing a piece for video auditions by sumpianodude
hi guys, so i am applying to the curtis summerfest(looks really fun). The video audition according to the website,...
Crazy idea by expressman70
Hey all, Lately ive been getting into Beethoven. What if instead of learning a full 3 movement sonata (Waldstein, Les Adieux, Appasionata) I learn the last movement of each? I...
First 3 chords of Les Adieux by wwalrus
Is there a nickname for these three chords (besides Lebewohl)? I've seen it used so much in various compositions. Brahms 2nd concerto, handel variations, and so many others. Is there any background info as...
college auditions ROUND TWO by rachmaninoff_forever
Alright so the general deal for grad school is pretty much the same as undergrad auditions except you just have to have more ish to play. So in case you were curious this is what I'm thinking
Should I do an intermission or no by rachmaninoff_forever
Alright so yo... I got this recital joint in two weeks and this is what I'm throwin down. Bach prelude and fugue Bb minor book 1 Beethoven op 81a Rachmaninoff...
Beethoven "Les Adieux" Sonata by charmsjr94
Hi guys, I've been assigned "Les Adieux" as one of my sonatas for the semester. I will be going over some of this stuff with my teacher most likely and I've researched a little...
Beethoven Sonatas op. 2 n°3 and 81a compare/ contrast? and difficulty? by aaronpetit
Hey everyone. So I am trying to decide between the two (C major and Les Adieux) for my next Beethoven Sonata. They are so different but I can't play them both right now. Which one is the most accessible...
Les Adieux by yodaofpiano
Hey, so in tennessee each year, we have the tmta competition where middle school and high school students play 15 and 20 minute programs respectively and are judged and subsequently awarded 1st,...
Beethoven Sonata Les Adieux 3rd mvt (fingering help) by gruffalo
Hi, im having a problem getting one certain bar up to speed and the fingering that i have used feels awkward. the problem is with the LH in bar 67 coming down from the G. going up in that bar is fine, but it...
choosing a Beethoven piano sonata by ben12345_5
I'm choosing a Beethoven sonata movement to learn next year. My piano teacher gave me 3 choices: 1) Sonata No. 7 in D Major Op. 10 No. 3 1st mvt. Presto. 2) Sonata No. 18 in Eb Major...
Les Adieux by mycrabface
Has anyone ever tried sonata opus 81 a (aka Les Adieux)? I was just wondernig whether you're supposed to play the second part(allegro), bar 5 to bar12 using the pedal, because when I play the right hand...
Pedalling in Beethoven's Les Adieux by Jenni R
Hiya, I've just learnt this sonata (the notes at least) and i'm wondering for those who have played this/performed it, what do you think about pedalling? I'm a bit out of...
Sonata 26 (Les Adieux) Op. 81 in E-flat Major, by the classical composer Ludwig van Beethoven. This piano piece was initially published in the year 1810 and is included in Sonatas by Beethoven.