Béla Bartók
Stick Game
in A Minor
No. 1 from Romanian Folk Dances
ID: 1843
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Forum posts about this piece:
Bartok 2 romanian dances op. 8a 1st movement by paulgg
Hey I am currently playing this piece and I was wondering how to play the very first part of the lento section ( Budapest edition) from bar 64 to 66. Any tips or fingerings would be greatly appreciated.
Béla Bartók - Romanian Folk Dances No.1 Question by cero1214
Hello evrerybody, I'm new in the forum. I've been practising Romanian Folk Dances No.1 for a while but I came across with a section in which the score marks to play low A with the right hand and a...
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Stick Game in A Minor - No. 1 is a piano piece by the modern composer Béla Bartók who lived between the years 1881 and 1945.
The composition was first published in 1915 and is included in Romanian Folk Dances by Bartók.
Stick Game in A Minor - No. 1 is a piano piece by the modern composer Béla Bartók who lived between the years 1881 and 1945.
The composition was first published in 1915 and is included in Romanian Folk Dances by Bartók.