Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev
Islamey - Oriental Fantasy
in D-flat Major

ID: 4
Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev

Islamey - Oriental Fantasy

Key: D-flat Major
Year: 1869
Level: 8+
Period: Late Romantic
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Forum posts about this piece:

Musical Madness! The final reveal!!! by liszt-and-the-galops
It's finally time! Pieces who were voted on: Liszt - Grand Galop Chromatique Balakirev - Islamey Reveal slideshow:

Musical Madness! Fate of the semifinals! by liszt-and-the-galops
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Hi all. I wonder which pieces are the most difficult pieces written by a "real" composer? (I think if you open a sheet music program and click in lots of notes you can make something impossible but...

Has anyone learned both gaspard and islamey by diomedes
Having just learned islamey up to performance standard, I do think it's worse than gaspard de la Nuit. Interested in opinions and experiences.... For me, islamey is just cruel, especially the...

When can I reach Appassionata/Islamey? by rihyun
I've been playing piano for about a year and a half, and I recently finished Fantasie Impromptu after about a week of hard practice (prior to Fantasie Impromptu, I've played mostly nocturnes, waltzes,...

Learning Islamey by w0mbat
I have loved this piece many years for a number of reasons, but resisted learning until recently as I finally feel 'ready' to devote to playing it.  (After just having learnt...

Balakirev - Islamey by franz_
How difficult is this piece? Somebody who played it? To what can you compare it? I adore this...

Opinions on the Hardest piano piece ever written by rachfanatic
I have heard several views on this but the two pieces which have nearly always come up in conversation are Islamey by Balakirew and Gaspard de la nuit by Ravel. What is every one elses opinion on this topic....

Islamey by Liszmaninopin
Why does it seem that whenever I read a cd review where the pianist played Islamey-always the reviewer mentions how difficult this piece is.  I've never actually played it, but just looking at the score,...

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DOWNLOAD: Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev - Islamey - Oriental Fantasy in D-flat Major ( by Balakirev). Piano sheet music to print immediately or to view in mobile devices.
Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev, who was one of the prominent composers active in the Late Romantic era, wrote this piece titled "Islamey - Oriental Fantasy" in D-flat Major . The composition is categorized as "Piece" in the sheet music library and the level of difficulty in the piano music database is 8+.