Johann Sebastian Bach
Prelude & Fugue 2
in C Minor, BWV 847
from The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1

A fiery Prelude and a catchy Fugue form one of the first pairs students usually learn from The Well-Tempered Clavier.

ID: 396
Key: C Minor
Year: 1722
Level: 7
Period: Baroque
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piano music mp3 recording Prelude & Fugue 2 BWV 847 Fugue - FREE SAMPLE (mp3 file)

Fiery Fingers, Delicious Dissonances

The Prelude & Fugue in c minor is usually one of the first pieces students learn from The Well-Tempered Clavier. The fiery Prelude is not only striking but can also serve as an excellent and musically rewarding Etude, demanding well-developed finger coordination to play with command and musical finish. In a similar fashion to the Prelude in C major which precedes it, it uses a repeating motif of notes to which a chord progression descending the piano is applied, adding a tricky coda marked Presto, and even a short recitativo before the piece comes to a close.

The catchy and dance-like Fugue is one of the easier fugues of the Well-Tempered Clavier. During its exposition, it introduces the subject and two countersubjects which remain faithful companions through subsequent subject entries. Its structure is clearly delineated, alternating these entries with episodes featuring sequences of material derived from the subject and countersubject throughout the piece. At the end comes a so-called “pedal point” – an octave-reinforced C held over multiple bars underlining the final entry of the subject, creating some delicious dissonances before the final resolution to a Picardy third.


An early version of the c minor prelude appears in the “Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach” (“Notebook for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach”), a collection of keyboard pieces Bach compiled for his son Wilhelm Friedemann in 1720. In the first surviving autograph manuscript for The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1, which was set down in 1722, the coda featuring the Presto, the recitativo, and a final ending flourish marked Allegro was added.

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