Sounded good to me but a little on the slow side, you are playing it at 128 - 130 ctotchet per minut, it should be 179 - 185 at least for competitionn standard. All the best.
I hate it when people make this piece look easy. I still can't get this one and my hands are huge. You have inspired me to try again, though!!!
I'm jealous!!!It's so good!How did you record it Paris? I want to try to do a video like that someday.
How long have you been working on this piece or had it memorized?
Please dont get me wrong paris, but try listining to the 17 year old Gardels,C,from pianostreet . com, he does unleash the dragon. The Etude has to sound both musical and fast, anything below 130 beats per minut will sound Allegro moderato .
i'm aware that it's much slower then it should be but i guess i have time to speed it up.
Please dont get me wrong paris, but try listining to the 17 year old Gardels,C,from pianostreet . com, he does unleash the dragon. The Etude has to sound both musical and fast, anything below 130 beats per minut will sound Allegro moderato . I personal play this Etude once every morning at 30 crotchets per minut. Keep up the good work i can see and hear that you have the ability to play it at 176 bears per minut eventually. All the best.
I can imagin you finding op25num1 very easy , i bet you can play that beautifully. Anyway you are so young you have all the time in the world, you are very gifted. All the best.
Carlos Gardels from California?
whats his nickname here?
hmm ive been learning this piece for a total of 3 hours , 30 minutes for about a week now, and i can play the first page and about 3 measures of the 2nd page at about 138 - 144 bpm! i havnt added any dynamics yet, im finding it hard to speed it up past 152 without it becoming messy!you play this piece well, cant wait to hear the finished recording
Hi its me again, well it put a smile to my face, however it remains the same, apart from the dynamics which is more intresting now. As you have changed the camer angle i have noticed that you play these arppegios in a similar style to Franz Lizt, which works very well. Have you ever tryd playing this Etude with your left hand, ie arppegios with the left hand and octaves with the right hand.
hey i'm not familiar with the way liszt played it, but i can only imagine how that sounded hehe
hey i'm not familiar with the way liszt played it, but i can only imagine how that sounded hehei tried few days ago that what you said about playing with left hand. its crazy and fun! i think its slightly easier then with right hand, comparing to when i was firstly starting 10/1...maybe is easier just because i'm familiar with notes. or maybe because my right hand is generally weaker then left due to injury when i was 5-6years old.i believe there was one female pianist who used to play in that way but i can't recall the name
what do you do at the start with the c octave in left and the c played in the right hand ?
OK. How's the work now?