Liszt - Piano Music

Franz Liszt

Liszt's unique "transcendental" skills forever defined the role of the piano virtuoso, and his daring use of non-traditional harmony inspired many later composers. His personality encompassed the elegant and worldly as well as the heavenly and the diabolical. Often inspired by some natural scene or by a work of literature or art, his compositions range from finely lyrical to bombastic, from glitteringly impressionistic to austere and philosophical.

Top Pieces:

Liebestraum 3 in A-flat Major, S . 541 No. 3

This intensely lyrical piece was inspired by a heart-wrenching poem about love and loss by Ferdinand Freiligrath: ‘O love so long as you can!’´

Consolation 3: Lento placido in D-flat Major, S . 172 No. 3

This dreamy, sophisticated work may have been written as Liszt's tribute to Chopin. The smooth broken-chord accompaniment and the song-like narrative are reminiscent of the latter's Nocturnes.

Sonetto 104 del Petrarca S . 161 No. 5

Here, Liszt transforms Italian love poetry into passionate solo piano music. In Petrarch's poem, Pace non trovo (I Find no Peace), the poet is torn by wildly contrasting emotions, skilfully mirrored in Liszt's music.

Paganini Etude 3: Allegretto (La campanella) in G-sharp Minor, S . 141 No. 3

The melody of this piece comes from a virtuoso Violin Concerto by Niccolò Paganini. Not surprisingly, Liszt's hommage is also extremely challenging, with huge fast leaps in both hands, rapid repeating notes and more.

Un Sospiro in D-flat Major, S . 144 No. 3

Un sospiro (A Sigh) is a lovely poetic piece but also a study in hand crossings. An ethereal, pentatonic melody played by alternating hands and embedded in lush arpeggios, gives the piece a distinct impressionistic quality.

Sonata in B Minor, S . 178

A monumental work of inspiring musical architecture, conjuring up images of demonic rage, monumental struggle as well as angelic bliss; demanding almost superhuman virtuosity and stamina, as well as exquisite lyrical refinement from the pianist.


Franz Liszt (1811-1886), the greatest piano virtuoso of his time, was also highly influential in shaping the western musical canon. His championship of new composers like Wagner and Berlioz helped them to fame; equally important was his promoting past masters including Bach, Handel, Schubert and Beethoven. In his compositions he developed piano technique beyond recognition, made radical experiments in harmony and invented the symphonic poem. Born in Hungary, he went as a boy to Vienna, where he studied with Czerny and Salieri and met Beethoven and Schubert. Still in his teens, he settled in Paris where he soon became a prominent figure in society, first and foremost because of his wizardry at the piano, but also because of his various romantic entanglements, which provided much material for gossip.

Liszt became acquainted with a number of musical contemporaries at this time, including Berlioz, Chopin, Alkan and others. One of the most important events of these early years was his witnessing of the concerts of the diabolical violinist Niccoló Paganini. Towards the end of 1832, Liszt was introduced to Countess Marie d’Agoult, who was to become his lover; as she was already married, the couple eloped to Switzerland to escape scandal. The relationship went on for 12 years and resulted in three children – Liszt’s daughter Cosima would go on to marry Richard Wagner.

During the years 1839 to 1847 Liszt unfolded a virtuoso career unmatched in the history of performance. He was the first to play entire programmes from memory; the first to play the full range of the keyboard repertory (as it then existed) from Bach to Chopin; the first consistently to place the piano at right-angles to the stage, so that its open lid reflected the sound across the auditorium; and the first to tour Europe from the Pyrenees to the Urals. However, at 35 years of age he abandoned the concert stage, persuaded by his new lover Carolyne zu Sayn-Wittgenstein to concentrate on composition. Liszt settled in Weimar and went on to compose some of his most important masterpieces, include the Faust Symphony, the Symphonic Poems, and the two piano concerti.

In the so called War of the Romantics, he supported his son-in-law Wagner and the futuristic school of Weimar against the more conservative Leipzig school, most famously represented by Johannes Brahms, Felix Mendelssohn and Robert Schumann. Around 1860, Liszt settled more or less permanently in Rome, where he took minor orders and became Abbé Liszt. Here his output consisted mainly of religious music. In his last years, he abandoned the virtuoso style in favour of a bleak and introspective approach, pointing forward into atonality.

Quotes by Liszt

“My mind and fingers have worked like the damned. Homer, the Bible, Plato, Locke, Lamartine, Chateaubriand, Beethoven, Bach, Hummel, Mozart, Weber are all around me. I study them. I devour them with fury.”

“Music is never stationary; successive forms and styles are only like so many resting-places - like tents pitched and taken down again on the road to the Ideal.”

“My sole ambition as a composer is to hurl my javelin into the infinite space of the future.”

"For the virtuoso, musical works are in fact nothing but tragic and moving materializations of his emotions; he is called upon to make them speak, weep, sing and sigh, to recreate them in accordance with his own consciousness. In this way he, like the composer, is a creator, for he must have within himself those passions that he wishes to bring so intensely to life.”

Quotes about Liszt

"Liszt knows no rule, no form, no law; he creates them all himself! He remains an inexplicable phenomenon, a compound of such heterogeneous, strangely mixed materials, that an analysis would inevitably destroy what leads to the highest charm, the individual enchantment: namely, inscrutable secret of this chemical mixture of coquetry and childlike simplicity, of whimsy and divine nobleness. After the concert, he stands there like a conqueror on the field of ballet, like a hero in the lists; vanquished pianos lie about him, broken strings flutter as trophies and flags of truce, frightened instruments flee in terror into distant corners, the listeners look at each other in mute astonishment as after a storm from a clear sky, as after thunder and lightening mingled with a shower of blossoms and buds and dazzling rainbows; and he the Prometheus, who creates a form from every note." (Moritz Saphir)

"Liszt, after giving a charity concert on behalf of the unfortunate inhabitants of the two neighboring cities, Pest and Ofen, performed six more concerts and one soirée musicale. Each of these netted him on average between 1,600 to 1,800 silver Gulden. He also played twice for the Imperial Court in the private residence and just as many times for charitable causes. He even played to help out a female singer who was passing through. And he performed in the salons of the foremost families of this Imperial city, in the homes of various artists, in the showrooms of the finest instrument makers, as well as at his own lodgings. It is not in the character of this childlike, amiable young man to refuse any request, or behave in a self-important or precious manner. The subtly uttered wish of a true friend of art is all that is required, and he is ready at the piano. He will fantasize at the keyboard for an hour just for one overjoyed listener, without thinking of stopping." (Leipzig Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung)

"He gives me the impression of being a spoilt child." (Clara Schumann)

Liszt Piano Sheet Music

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Total pieces by Liszt: 382

TitleKey YearLevel

Most popular pieces:

Liebestraum S . 541 No. 3A-flat Major 18508+
Consolation: Lento placido S . 172 No. 3D-flat Major 18507
Sonetto 104 del Petrarca S . 161 No. 5N/A 18588+
Paganini Etude: Allegretto (La campanella) S . 141 No. 3G-sharp Minor 18518+
Un Sospiro S . 144 No. 3D-flat Major 18488+
Sonata S . 178B Minor 18538+

All pieces:


Piano Concerto 1 S . 124E-flat Major 18548+
Piano Concerto 2 S . 125A Major 18638+
Malédiction S . 121E Minor 18338+
Fantasy on Hungarian Folk Melodies S . 123F Major 18528+
Totentanz S . 126D Minor 18658+

Fantasies and paraphrases

Reminiscences de Lucia di Lammermoor S . 397D-flat Major 18368+
Fantasy on themes from La Sonnambula S . 393N/A 18418+
Reminiscences de Don Juan S . 418N/A 18418+
Reminiscences de Norma S . 394N/A 18418+
Reminiscences de Robert le diable S . 413B Minor 18418+
Tarentelle di bravura d'après La Muette de Portici S . 386E Minor 18468+
Meyerbeer: Les Patineurs S . 414G Major 18508+
Fantasy on motifs from the Ruins of Athens S . 389B-flat Major 18528+
Paraphrase de concert sur Ernani S . 432F Major 18598+
Paraphrase de concert sur Rigoletto S . 434D-flat Major 18598+
Phantasiestück on themes from Rienzi S . 439B-flat Major 18598+
Verdi: Miserere S . 433A-flat Major 18598+
Mendelssohn: Wedding March and Dance of the Elves S . 410C Major 18508+

Transcendental Etudes S. 139

1. Transcendental Etude: Preludio C Major 18518+
2. Transcendental Etude: Molto vivace (Fusées) A Minor 18518+
3. Transcendental Etude: Paysage F Major 18518+
4. Transcendental Etude: Mazeppa D Minor 18518+
5. Transcendental Etude: Feux Follets B-flat Major 18518+
6. Transcendental Etude: Vision G Minor 18518+
7. Transcendental Etude: Eroica E-flat Major 18518+
8. Transcendental Etude: Wild Hunt C Minor 18518+
9. Transcendental Etude: Ricordanza A-flat Major 18518+
10. Transcendental Etude: Appassionata F Minor 18518+
11. Transcendental Etude: Harmonies du Soir D-flat Major 18518+
12. Transcendental Etude: Chasse-Neige B-flat Minor 18518+

Paganini Etudes S. 141

1. Paganini Etude: Preludio G Minor 18518+
2. Paganini Etude: Andante E-flat Major 18518+
3. Paganini Etude: Allegretto (La campanella) G-sharp Minor 18518+
4. Paganini Etude: Vivo (Arpeggio) E Major 18518+
5. Paganini Etude: Allegretto (La Chasse) E Major 18518+
6. Paganini Etude: Quasi presto (Theme and Variations) A Minor 18518+

3 Concert Etudes S. 144

1. Il Lamento A-flat Major 18488+
2. La Leggeriezza F Minor 18488+
3. Un Sospiro D-flat Major 18488+

2 Concert Etudes S. 145

1. Waldesrauschen D-flat Major 18638+
2. Gnomenreigen F-sharp Minor 18638+

Apparitions S. 155

1. Apparition: Senza lentezza quasi allegretto N/A 18348+
2. Apparition: Vivamente N/A 18348+
3. Apparition: Fantasy on a waltz by Schubert N/A 18348+

Années de pèlerinage, First Year: Switzerland S. 160

1. Chapelle de Guillaume Tell N/A 18558+
2. Au lac de Wallenstadt N/A 18558+
3. Pastorale N/A 18558+
4. Au bord d'une source N/A 18558+
5. Orage N/A 18558+
6. Vallée d'Obermann N/A 18558+
7. Églogue N/A 18558+
8. Le mal du pays N/A 18558+
9. Les cloches de Genève: Nocturne N/A 18558+

Années de pèlerinage, Second Year: Italy S. 161

1. Sposalizio N/A 18588+
2. Il pensieroso N/A 18588+
3. Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa N/A 18588+
4. Sonetto 47 del Petrarca N/A 18588+
5. Sonetto 104 del Petrarca N/A 18588+
6. Sonetto 123 del Petrarca N/A 18588+
7. Après une lecture du Dante N/A 18588+

Années de pèlerinage, supplement: Venezia e Napoli S. 162

1. Gondoliera N/A 18618+
2. Canzone N/A 18618+
3. Tarantella N/A 18618+

Années de pèlerinage, Third Year S. 163

1. Angelus! Prière aux anges gardiens N/A 18838+
2. Aux cyprès de la Villa d'Este I N/A 18838+
3. Aux cyprès de la Villa d'Este II N/A 18838+
4. Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este N/A 18838+
5. Sunt lacrymae rerum N/A 18838+
6. Marche funèbre N/A 18838+
7. Sursum corda N/A 18838+


Ballade 1 S . 170D-flat Major 18488+
Ballade 2 S . 171B Minor 18538+

Consolations S. 172

1. Consolation: Andante con moto E Major 18506
2. Consolation: Un poco più mosso E Major 18508
3. Consolation: Lento placido D-flat Major 18507
4. Consolation: Quasi adagio D-flat Major 18506
5. Consolation: Andantino E Major 18507
6. Consolation: Allegretto sempre cantabile E Major 18508

Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses S. 173

1. Invocation E Major 18528+
2. Ave Maria B-flat Major 18528+
3. Benediction of God in Solitude F-sharp Major 18528+
4. Thoughts of the Dead N/A 18528+
5. Pater Noster C Major 18528+
6. Hymn of the Child on Awakening A-flat Major 18528+
7. Funérailles F Minor 18528+
8. Miserere, after Palestrina E Major 18528+
9. Andante lagrimoso N/A 18528+
10. Hymn of Love E Major 18528+

Two Legends S. 175

1. St. Francis of Assisi. The Sermon to the Birds A Major 18638+
2. St. Francis of Paola Walking on the Water E Major 18638+

Weihnachtsbaum (Christmas Tree) S. 186

1. Old Christmas Song F Major 18766
2. O Holy Night D Minor 18765
3. The Shepherds at the Manger D-flat Major 18766
4. March of the Three Holy Kings A Major 18766
5. Scherzoso: Lighting the Candles on the Tree F Major 18768+
6. Chimes A Major 18768+
7. Slumber Song F-sharp Major 18767
8. Old Provençal Christmas Song B Minor 18768
9. Evening Bells A-flat Major 18768
10. Old Times A-flat Major 18768
11. Hungarian N/A 18768
12. Polish B-flat Minor 18768+

5 Piano Pieces S. 192

1. Sehr langsam E Major 18655
2. Lento assai A-flat Major 18655
3. Sehr langsam F-sharp Major 18734
4. Andantino F-sharp Major 18764
5. Sospiri N/A 18796

2 Elegies

Elegy 1: Andante S . 196A-flat Major 18748
Elegy 2: Quasi andante S . 197A-flat Major 18778

3 Caprice-Valses S. 214

1. Bravura Waltz B-flat Major 18528+
2. Valse mélancolique E Major 18528+
3. Valse a capriccio A Major 18528+

Valses Oubliées S. 215

1. Valse Oubliée F-sharp Major 18818+
2. Valse Oubliée A-flat Major 18838+
3. Valse Oubliée D-flat Major 18838+
4. Valse Oubliée E Major 18838+

Two Polonaises S. 223

1. Polonaise mélancolique C Minor 18528+
2. Polonaise E Major 18528+

Hungarian Rhapsodies S. 244

1. Hungarian Rhapsody C-sharp Minor 18468+
2. Hungarian Rhapsody C-sharp Minor 18478+
3. Hungarian Rhapsody B-flat Major 18538+
4. Hungarian Rhapsody E-flat Major 18538+
5. Hungarian Rhapsody E Minor 18538+
6. Hungarian Rhapsody D-flat Major 18538+
7. Hungarian Rhapsody D Minor 18538+
8. Hungarian Rhapsody F-sharp Minor 18538+
9. Hungarian Rhapsody (Carnival in Pest) E-flat Major 18538+
10. Hungarian Rhapsody E Major 18538+
11. Hungarian Rhapsody A Minor 18538+
12. Hungarian Rhapsody C-sharp Minor 18538+
13. Hungarian Rhapsody A Minor 18538+
14. Hungarian Rhapsody F Major 18538+
15. Hungarian Rhapsody (Rákóczy March) A Minor 18718+
16. Hungarian Rhapsody A Minor 18828+
17. Hungarian Rhapsody D Minor 18828+
18. Hungarian Rhapsody F-sharp Minor 18858+
19. Hungarian Rhapsody D Minor 18868+

5 Hungarian Folksongs S. 245

1. Hungarian Folksong: Lento D Major 18736
2. Hungarian Folksong: Allegretto G Major 18735
3. Hungarian Folksong: Andante G Major 18736
4. Hungarian Folksong: Vivace C-sharp Minor 18737
5. Hungarian Folksong: Lento F Minor 18736

2 Csárdás S. 255

1. Csárdás F-sharp Minor 18848
2. Csárdás Obstiné B Minor 18848+

Soirées de Vienne S. 427

1. Valse-Caprice A-flat Major 18528+
2. Valse-Caprice A-flat Major 18528+
3. Valse-Caprice E Major 18528+
4. Valse-Caprice D-flat Major 18528+
5. Valse-Caprice G-flat Major 18528+
6. Valse-Caprice A Minor 18528+
7. Valse-Caprice A Major 18528+
8. Valse-Caprice D Major 18528+
9. Valse-Caprice A-flat Major 18528+

Beethoven Symphony Transcriptions S. 464

Beethoven Symphony 1 Op. 21C Major 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 2 Op. 36D Major 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 3 (Eroica) Op. 55E-flat Major 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 4 Op. 60B-flat Major 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 5 Op. 67C Minor 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 6 Op. 68F Major 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 7 Op. 92A Major 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 8 Op. 93F Major 18658+
Beethoven Symphony 9 Op. 125D Minor 18658+

Book of Songs for solo piano I S. 531

1. Die Lorelei G Major 18438+
2. Am Rhein in schönen Strome E Major 18438+
3. Kennst du das Land F-sharp Major 18438+
4. Es war ein König in Thule F Minor 18438+
5. Der du von dem Himmel bist E Major 18438
6. Angiolin A Major 18438+

Book of Songs for solo piano II

Comment, disaient-ils? S . 535A-flat Major 18478+
Oh! Quand je dors S . 536E Major 18478
Enfant! Si j'etais roi S . 537A-flat Major 18478+
S'il est un charmant gazon S . 538A-flat Major 18478+
La tombe et la rose S . 539G Minor 18478+
Gastibelza S . 540G Minor 18478+

Liebesträume S. 541

1. Liebestraum A-flat Major 18508+
2. Liebestraum E Major 18508+
3. Liebestraum A-flat Major 18508+

Mephisto Waltzes

Mephisto Waltz 1 S . 514A Major 18608+
Mephisto Waltz 2 S . 515E Major 18818+
Mephisto Waltz 3 S . 216D-sharp Minor 18838+
Mephisto Waltz 4 S . 696D Major 18858+

Transcriptions of other composers' works

Auber: Tyrolean Melody S . 385G Major 18296
Arcadelt: Ave Maria S . 183 No. 2F Major 18626
Bach: Fantasy & Fugue for Organ, BWV 542 S . 463G Minor 18638+
Bach: Prelude & Fugue for Organ, BWV 543 S . 462 No. 1A Minor 18638+
Bach: Prelude & Fugue for Organ, BWV 545 S . 462 No. 2C Major 18508+
Bach: Prelude & Fugue for Organ, BWV 546 S . 462 No. 3C Minor 18508+
Bach: Prelude & Fugue for Organ, BWV 547 S . 462 No. 4C Major 18508+
Bach: Prelude & Fugue for Organ, BWV 548 S . 462 No. 5E Minor 18508+
Bach: Prelude & Fugue for Organ, BWV 544 S . 462 No. 6B Minor 18508+
Beethoven: Adelaide S . 466B-flat Major 18478+
Beethoven: An die ferne Geliebte S . 469N/A 18498
Beethoven: Mignon S . 161A Major 18497
Chopin: The Maiden's Wish S . 480 No. 1D Major 18608
Chopin: Spring S . 480 No. 2G Minor 18606
Chopin: The Ring S . 480 No. 3E-flat Major 18607
Chopin: Bacchanal S . 480 No. 4C Major 18608
Chopin: My Joys S . 480 No. 5G-flat Major 18608
Chopin: Homeward S . 480 No. 6C Minor 18608+
Gounod: Waltz from Faust S . 407N/A 18618+
Handel: Sarabande and Chaconne S . 181G Minor 18798+
Mendelssohn: On Wings of Song S . 547 No. 1A-flat Major 18408+
Mendelssohn: Frühlingslied S . 547 No. 5B-flat Major 18408+
Rossini: La Regata Veneziana S . 424 No. 2N/A 18378+
Rossini: La Danza, Neapolitan Tarantella S . 424 No. 9A Minor 18378+
Rossini: William Tell overture S . 552E Major 18388+
Rossini: Cujus animam S . 553A-flat Major 18478+
Schubert: Trauermarsch S . 426 No. 1E-flat Minor 18468+
Schubert: Grand March S . 426 No. 2B Minor 18468+
Schubert: March in C S . 426 No. 3C Major 18468+
Schubert: Die Rose S . 556G Major 18388+
Schubert: Lob der Tränen S . 557D Major 18388+
Schubert: Wanderer Fantasy - for piano & orchestra S . 653C Major 18518+
Schubert: Sei mir gegrüsst S . 558 No. 1B-flat Major 18388+
Schubert: Auf dem Wasser zu singen S . 558 No. 2A-flat Major 18388+
Schubert: Du bist die Ruh S . 558 No. 3E-flat Major 18388+
Schubert: Erlkönig S . 558 No. 4G Minor 18388+
Schubert: Meeresstille S . 558 No. 5C Major 18377
Schubert: Die junge Nonne S . 558 No. 6F Major 18388+
Schubert: Frühlingsglaube S . 558 No. 7A-flat Major 18388+
Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade S . 558 No. 8D Minor 18388+
Schubert: Ständchen (Horch, horch) S . 558 No. 9B-flat Major 18388+
Schubert: Rastlose Liebe S . 558 No. 10E Major 18388+
Schubert: Der Wanderer S . 558 No. 11C-sharp Minor 18388+
Schubert: Ave Maria S . 558 No. 12B-flat Major 18388+
Schubert: Die Stadt S . 560 No. 1C Minor 18398+
Schubert: Das Fischermädchen S . 560 No. 2A-flat Major 18398+
Schubert: Aufenthalt S . 560 No. 3E Minor 18398
Schubert: Am Meer S . 560 No. 4C Major 18398
Schubert: Abschied S . 560 No. 5E-flat Major 18398+
Schubert: In der Ferne S . 560 No. 6B Minor 18398+
Schubert: Ständchen S . 560 No. 7D Minor 18398
Schubert: Ihr Bild S . 560 No. 8B-flat Minor 18397
Schubert: Frühlingssehnsucht S . 560 No. 9B-flat Major 18398+
Schubert: Liebesbotschaft S . 560 No. 10G Major 18398+
Schubert: Der Atlas S . 560 No. 11G Minor 18398+
Schubert: Der Doppelgänger S . 560 No. 12B Minor 18398
Schubert: Die Taubenpost S . 560 No. 13G Major 18398+
Schubert: Kriegers Ahnung S . 560 No. 14C Minor 18398+
Schubert: Der Lindenbaum S . 561 No. 7E Major 18398+
Schubert: Litanei S . 562 No. 1E-flat Major 18408
Schubert: Himmelsfunken S . 562 No. 2G Major 18408
Schubert: Die Gestirne S . 562 No. 3F Major 18408+
Schubert: Hymne S . 562 No. 4D Major 18408
Schubert: Lebe wohl! S . 563 No. 1E-flat Major 18448+
Schubert: Mädchens Klage S . 563 No. 2C Minor 18448+
Schubert: Das Sterbeglöcklein S . 563 No. 3A-flat Major 18448+
Schubert: Trockne Blumen S . 563 No. 4C Minor 18448+
Schubert: Ungeduld S . 563 No. 5B-flat Major 18448+
Schubert: The Trout S . 563 No. 6N/A 18468+
Schubert: Das Wandern S . 565 No. 1B-flat Major 18468+
Schubert: Der Müller und der Bach S . 565 No. 2G Minor 18468+
Schubert: Der Jäger S . 565 No. 3C Minor 18468+
Schubert: Die böse Farbe S . 565 No. 4C Major 18468+
Schubert: Wohin S . 565 No. 5G Major 18468+
Schumann: Widmung S . 566A-flat Major 18488+
Schumann: Frühlingsnacht S . 568F-sharp Major 18728+
Tchaikovsky: Polonaise S . 429N/A 18808+
Wagner: Spinning Chorus S . 440A Major 18608+
Wagner: Ballad from the Flying Dutchman S . 441B-flat Major 18728+
Wagner: Tannhäuser overture S . 442E Major 18488+
Wagner: Pilgrim's Chorus S . 443E Major 18618+
Wagner: Song to the Evening Star S . 444A-flat Major 18498
Wagner: Arrival of the Guests at Wartburg S . 445 No. 1B Major 18528+
Wagner: Elsa's Bridal Procession S . 445 No. 2E-flat Major 18528
Wagner: Festival and Bridal Song S . 446 No. 1G Major 18548+
Wagner: Elsa's Dream S . 446 No. 2A-flat Major 18547
Wagner: Lohengrin's Rebuke S . 446 No. 3C Major 18548
Wagner: Isolde's Liebestod S . 447B Major 18678+
Wagner: Am stillen Herd S . 448D Major 18718+
Wagner: Valhalla S . 449D-flat Major 18758+
Wagner: Solemn march to the Holy Grail S . 450C Major 18828
Weber: Polonaise Brillante S . 367E Major 18528+

Album d'un voyageur, Book 1

Lyon S . 156/1C Major 18368+
Le lac de Wallenstadt S . 156/2aA-flat Major 18367
Au bord d'une source S . 156/2bA-flat Major 18368+
Les cloches de G. S . 156/3B Major 18368+
Vallée d'Obermann S . 156/4E Minor 18368+
La chapelle de Guillaume Tell S . 156/5C Major 18368+
Psaume S . 156/6F Major 18367

Album d'un voyageur, Book 2

Allegro S . 156/7aC Major 18368+
Lento - Allegro vivace S . 156/7bG Major 18368+
Allegro pastorale S . 156/7cG Major 18368
Andante con sentimento S . 156/8aG Major 18368+
Andante molto espressivo S . 156/8bG Minor 18368+
Allegro moderato S . 156/8cE-flat Major 18368+
Allegretto S . 156/9aA-flat Major 18368+
Allegretto S . 156/9bD-flat Major 18368
Andantino con molto sentimento - Allegro vivace S . 156/9cG Major 18368+

Album d'un voyageur, Book 3

Ranz de vaches S . 156/10G Major 18368+
Un soir dans les montagnes S . 156/11C Major 18368+
Ranz de chèvres S . 156/12G Major 18368+

Etude in 12 Exercises S. 136

1. Etude: Allegro con fuoco C Major 18268+
2. Etude: Allegro non molto A Minor 18268+
3. Etude: Allegro sempre legato F Major 18268+
4. Etude: Allegretto D Minor 18268+
5. Etude: Moderato B-flat Major 18268+
6. Etude: Molto agitato G Minor 18268+
7. Etude: Allegretto con molta espressione E-flat Major 18268+
8. Etude: Allegro con spirito C Minor 18268+
9. Etude: Allegro grazioso A-flat Major 18268+
10. Etude: Moderato F Minor 18268+
11. Etude: Allegro grazioso D-flat Major 18268+
12. Etude: Allegro non troppo B-flat Minor 18268+

12 Grand Etudes S. 137

1. Etude: Presto C Major 18378+
2. Etude: Molto vivace A Minor 18378+
3. Etude: Poco adagio F Major 18378+
4. Etude: Allegro patetico D Minor 18378+
5. Etude: Egualmente B-flat Major 18378+
6. Etude: Largo patetico G Minor 18378+
7. Etude: Allegro deciso E-flat Major 18378+
8. Etude: Presto strepitoso C Minor 18378+
9. Etude: Andantino A-flat Major 18378+
10. Etude: Presto molto agitato F Minor 18378+
11. Etude: Lento assai D-flat Major 18378+
12. Etude: Andantino B-flat Minor 18378+

Transcendental Etudes after Paganini S. 140

1. Etude 1 (Preludio) G Minor 18388+
2. Etude 2 E-flat Major 18388+
3. Etude 3 (La Campanella) A-flat Minor 18388+
4. Etude 4 - version 1 E Major 18388+
4. Etude 4 - version 2 E Major 18388+
5. Etude 5 (La Chasse) E Major 18388+
6. Etude 6 (Theme and Variations) A Minor 18388+

Three Sonnets by Petrarca (first version) S. 158

1. Sonetto 47 del Petrarca - first version N/A 18468+
2. Sonetto 104 del Petrarca - first version N/A 18468+
3. Sonetto 123 del Petrarca - first version N/A 18468+

Venezia e Napoli (first version) S. 159

1. Lento N/A 18408+
2. Allegro N/A 18408+
3. Andante placido N/A 18408+

Miscellaneous pieces

Variation on a Waltz by Diabelli S . 147C Major 18228
Waltz in A S. 208aA Major 18233
8 variations S . 148A-flat Major 18248+
Allegro di bravura S . 151E-flat Major 18258+
Rondo di bravura S . 152E Minor 18258+
Scherzo S . 153G Minor 18278+
Grand Bravura Fantasy on Paganini's "La Campanella" S . 420A Minor 18328+
Romantic Fantasy on Two Swiss Melodies S . 157B-flat Major 18368+
Grand Galop Chromatique S . 219N/A 18388+
Albumblatt in E S . 164E Major 18407
Mazeppa S . 138D Minor 18408+
Albumblatt in waltz form S . 166A Major 18428
Ländler in A-flat S . 211A-flat Major 18437
Albumblatt in A-flat S . 165A-flat Major 18448+
Galop S . 218A Minor 18468+
Grand Concert Solo S . 176E Minor 18508+
La cloche sonne S . 238C Minor 18504
Mazurka brillante S . 221A Major 18508+
Scherzo and March S . 177D Minor 18518+
Ab Irato: Grand Finishing Etude S . 143E Minor 18528+
Valse-Impromptu S . 213N/A 18528+
Sonata S . 178B Minor 18538+
Berceuse S . 174D-flat Major 18548+
Piano Piece in F-sharp S . 193F-sharp Major 18548
Goethe Festival March S . 521E Major 18578+
Les Preludes S . 591C Major 18588
Prelude on Bach's Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Sagen S . 179F Minor 18598
Ave Maria Bells of Rome S . 182E Major 18628
Variations on Bach's Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Sagen S . 180F Minor 18628+
Concerto Pathétique S . 258E Minor 18658+
Rhapsodie Espagnole S . 254N/A 18678+
Fantasia & Fugue on the Theme BACH S . 529N/A 18708+
Impromptu S . 191F-sharp Major 18728+
Festpolonaise - for solo piano S. 230 aE-flat Major 18768
Festpolonaise - for four hands S. 619 aE-flat Major 18765
Gretchen - from A Faust Symphony S . 513N/A 18768+
Receuillement S . 204C-sharp Major 18775
Sancta Dorothea S . 187E Major 18775
Caroussel de Madame Pelet-Narbonne S . 214A Minor 18794
In festo transfigurationis S . 188C Major 18804
Unstern S . 208N/A 18818
Wiegenlied S . 198C Major 18815
Nuages Gris S . 199N/A 18817
Czárdás Macabre S . 224N/A 18828+
Bülow March S . 230N/A 18838+
Mephisto polka S . 217F-sharp Minor 18838+
R. W. Venezia S . 201N/A 18835
Sleepless! Question and Answer S . 203N/A 18838
Abschied S . 251A Minor 18855
En rêve S . 207B Major 18856
Funeral Prelude and Funeral March S . 206N/A 18858
La Lugubre Gondola I S . 200 No. 1N/A 18838
La Lugubre Gondola II S . 200 No. 2N/A 18858

Forum posts about Franz Liszt

How should I interpret Chopin/Liszt for my college auditions by the_franzliszt
Hi. I'm currently going to college next summer and have some pieces that I have perfected, but I interpret a couple of them differently ...

Need Help With Scales by palmtree
I am a late-beginner/very early intermediate player, completely self-taught (at the moment lessons are not possible), and until very recentl...

What Chopin/Liszt/rachmaninoff piece should I learn? by lucasejp
In terms of playing I am grade 8 ABRSM level (if not higher). I am looking to learn a really flashy Chopin/Liszt piece, that at the same tim...

an attempt to define and quantify the standard piano repertoire by
Using the Carnegie Hall website and its dataset of over 35,000 works performed in recitals at Carnegie Hall from 1891 to 2022, I've crea...

Did Liszt practice without looking at the piano? by barejon
Hello I was wondering if Liszt practiced without looking at the piano, or played that way in public only....

Were the virtuosi of Liszt's time all ladies' men? by cuberdrift
As far as I know Liszt's generation saw the peak of the concert pianist's popularity (correct me if I'm wrong). Liszt and Chopi...

The hardest operatic fantasies by ronde_des_sylphes
A bit of fun. I put together a video with samples from what I believe to be the most demanding paraphrases in the romantic style. So a lot o...

Why do people like Chopin better than Liszt? by flashyfingers
Why do people think Chopin is better, or they enjoy Liszt music more? Do you have a preference? I personally love Chopin's music bu...

American Music with an American sound by nmitchell076
Recently, I have become very interested in the sort of "folk" American classical music such as Bernstein, Copland, and (especially...

5 Hardest Liszt pieces are? by buhdaporn
Hi, I love classical music and I love Liszt to because his song is pleasing, sweet and fast. I quite confuse about Liszt piece that is the h...

Best Liszt Editions? by dnephi
Which of the following do you recommend? New Liszt Edition (Musica Budapest) Henle Verlag Urtext Emile von Sauer as editor (Peters Edition)...

Liszt Technical Excersizes: my experience by musicsdarkangel
I used to hate technical excersizes........... but every since a month ago, when I saw Jemboy write in one of his posts, that practicing th...

Re: Best Liszt interpreter? by dikai_yang
liszt etudes: jorge bolet hungarian rapsodies: roberto szidon for those of you who have never heard of roberto szidon's playing of thes...

Best Liszt interpreter? by Skeptopotamus
Berman all the way.  And does anyone know where to get some recordings of him OL?...

liszt works by dabozg
please if you could list some liszt works, what would you recomend to 16 year old student...