Couppey - Piano Music

Felix Le Couppey

Felix Le Couppey (1814-1887) was a French pianist. He was a pupil at the Paris Conservatory where he also made his career, becoming assistant-teacher at seventeen years of age. He eventually succeeded his former teacher Dourlen as professor of harmony and Henri Herz as piano teacher, when the latter started an American tour.
Le Couppey wrote and published a lot of studies and exercise books. One work entitled Cours d´instrument comprises the parts A B C du piano; L´Alphabet; Le Progrès; L´Agilité; Le Style; La Difficulté. He also organised a special piano class for ladies.

Couppey Piano Sheet Music

for digital devices or to download & print

Total pieces by Couppey: 2

TitleKey YearLevel

All pieces:

Pastorale G Major -1
Arabian Air A Minor 18592

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