Autograph Manuscripts
Johann Sebastian Bach: Minuet in G BWV 114 - Autograph Manuscript

Anna Magdalena Bach's (Johann Sebastian's wife) handwriting of this very famous Minuet from the "Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach" (1725). Many of the small pieces in this book are collected from the Bach familys guestbook, written there by visitors as token of friendship and this piece is believed to be composed by Christian Petzold, court organist in Dresden.
Johann Sebastian Bach: March in D BWV 122 - Autograph Manuscript

This is the first piece in a collection of Marches and Polonaises composed by J S Bach's son Carl Philipp Emanuel. It is believed to be entered in the "Notebook for Anna Magdalena" by CPE himself in the years just before he left his parents in 1734.
Johann Sebastian Bach: 15 Two Part Inventions

The composer's own handwriting of the Inventions. Intented by the composer as excercise and training material they have been a source of pleasure and object of study for most pianists and amateurs throughout the history.
Ludwig van Beethoven: Bagatelle in A Minor, "Für Elise" - Autograph manuscript

Beethoven's handwriting of this famous piece.
Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata op 27 no 2 ("Moonlight") - first edition

Facsimile of the first edition of the Moonlight Sonata, published in March 1802 by Giovanni Cappi, Vienna. The dedication to Beethoven's pupil Giulietta Guiacciardi is surely the composers intention but the subtitle "for Harpsichord or Pianoforte" is most likely added by the publisher for marketing reasons in order to address a larger clientel despite the fact that the composition is not very suitable for harpsichord.
Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata op 27 no 2 ("Moonlight") - 3rd mvt Autograph manuscript

Beethoven's handwritten score of the 3rd movement of the "Moonlight Sonata". The last page has been lost.
Ludwig van Beethoven: Landsberg 5, sketch book

Beethoven's note book from 1809 containing sketches for the fifth Piano Concerto and many other pieces.