Frédéric Chopin
Prelude (Raindrop)
in D-flat Major, Op. 28 No. 15

This Prelude has been likened to a beautiful dream that turns into an oppressive nightmare. Both moods are accompanied by the same obsessively repeated note, like stubborn raindrops indifferent to human emotion.

ID: 274
Frédéric Chopin - Preludes:

Prelude (Raindrop)
Op. 28 No. 15

Key: D-flat Major
Year: 1834
Level: 7
Period: Early Romantic
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A beautiful dream

Here is a miraculous example of Chopin’s amazing virtuosity in translating human emotions to piano music. Within the rather short piece - even if it is the longest of the preludes - Chopin manages to build up two entirely different atmospheres, using the same obsessively repeated note. The C-sharp minor section begins rather suddenly in measure 28, and with it the piece changes from something peaceful and serene into something much darker. Listeners and music historians have likened it to a beautiful dream that turns into an oppressive nightmare. The feeling of uneasiness present in the middle part is made even stronger by the serene calm and beauty of the first 27 measures. The first theme is reintroduced towards the end of the prelude, giving it a peaceful ending. The repeating A-flat (written as G-sharp in the middle, ominous section) never stops throughout the piece. Interpreters of this piece need to be able to sustain the long melodic lines, balance the different levels of sound, and convey the two contrasting moods convincingly.


In her memoirs, George Sand related how one evening she and her son Maurice, returning home in a terrible rainstorm, found a distraught Chopin who told them about a dream he had while sitting at the piano: "He saw himself drowned in a lake. Heavy drops of icy water fell in a regular rhythm on his breast, and when I made him listen to the sound of the drops of water indeed falling in rhythm on the roof, he denied having heard it. He was even angry that I should interpret this in terms of imitative sounds. He protested with all his might – and he was right to – against the childishness of such aural imitations. His genius was filled with the mysterious sounds of nature, but transformed into sublime equivalents in musical thought, and not through slavish imitation of the actual external sounds." Sand did not specify which piece Chopin had played on that occasion, but it has been assumed to be the D-flat major prelude.

Forum posts about this piece:

Raindrop Prelude by nina.beatriz
One of my favourite pieces of all time :) Hope you don't mind me sharing my video! Do you perhaps have any tips on how to improve my playing...

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So I am new on piano street and firstly wanted to say hello! I used to play the piano for 7/8 years as a kid and made my way up to grade 8. I then quit  ... Quarantine has brought on some good...

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Frédéric Chopin, who was one of the prominent composers active in the Early Romantic era, wrote this piece titled "Prelude (Raindrop)"Op. 28 No. 15 in D-flat Major from Preludes. The composition is categorized as "Piece" in the sheet music library and the level of difficulty in the piano music database is 7.

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